小说交流网站设计与实现,该小说交流网站是毕业设计之作,其中包括普通用户、作者和管理员的功能设计,主要采用了asp.net、c#等编程语言,数据库方面采用的是sql server2008.摘 要网络技术的快速发展,互联网的普及,使得人们获取阅读文学小说的方式逐渐转移到网络上来。作为一种信息传播媒介,文学网站使得广大网民足不出户就可以阅读自己喜欢...
此文档由会员 xufeng_chen 发布
该小说交流网站是毕业设计之作,其中包括普通用户、作者和管理员的功能设计,主要采用了asp.net、C#等编程语言,数据库方面采用的是Sql Server2008.
摘 要
为了达到这样的目的,本小说网站采用浏览器/服务器(B/S)模式,运用ASP.NET+ SQL Server 2008及三层架构,实现一个方便广大读者的阅读平台,提供大量的小说信息供读者浏览,通过本小说网,读者可以更方便的找到自己喜欢的小说。
The Design and Implementation of Novel Communication Website
With the rapid development of network technology, the popularity of the Internet, the way people read literature gradually transferred to the network. As an information media, literary website makes the majority of Internet users do not have to go out, and can read their favorite books. Through the exchange of messages or comments with the authors, literary website not only provides Internet users a large and convenient way to read, but provides readers the opportunity to communicate with the authors.
The novel website is not only to maximize the convenience for the readers and satisfy the readers, but to make the work of each author into the reader's attention. When the readers are satisfied, the chance for new authors is also provided to show their work. So, either the author or the reader can be met their need on this site.
To achieve this purpose, the novel site uses browser / server (B / S) mode, and by using ASP.NET + SQL Server 2008 and the three-tier architecture to be created as a platform for readers, where a lot of novel information is provided for readers, and the readers can more easily find their favorite novels.
On this site, readers can search for a variety of network novels, read novels and communicate with the authors by writing down their thoughts in the comment section after reading. If readers want to write a novel, they can also apply to become an author to create, update and modify their own works in the area for authors.
Key Words: ASP.NET; Three-tier Architecture; Novel Website
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 背景介绍与意义 1
1.2 现状分析 1
1.3 论文主要工作和章节安排 3
2 相关技术介绍 4
2.1 ASP.NET动态网页技术 4
2.2 SQL Server 2008 6
2.3 C# 8
2.4 CSS 9
3 系统需求分析 10
3.1 设计目标 10
3.2 运行环境 10
3.3 功能需求分析 10
3.4 其他需求 13
4 系统设计 14
4.1 系统功能结构 14
4.2 主要功能模块设计 15
4.2.1 系统公共模块 15
4.2.2 前台功能模块 15
4.2.3 作者后台管理模块 18
4.2.4 管理员后台管理模块 18
4.3 系统数据库设计 19
4.3.1 系统E-R图 19
4.3.2 数据库表设计 20
5 系统实现 24
5.1 系统公共模块 24
5.2 前台功能模块 25
5.2.1 用户注册、登录及密码修改模块 25
5.2.2 小说浏览模块 26
5.2.3 小说搜索模块 29
5.2.4 小说阅读模块 29
5.2.5 小说评论模块 31
5.3 作者后台管理模块 32
5.3.1 章节上传功能模块 32
5.3.2 分卷管理功能模块 32
5.3.3 小说封面修改功能模块 34
5.4 管理员后台管理模块 35
5.4.1 小说类别管理功能模块 35
5.4.2 小说管理功能模块 36
5.4.3 用户管理功能模块 37
5.4.4 评论管理功能模块 38
6 系统测试 39
结 论 42
参 考 文 献 43
致 谢 44