

xx市旅行社人力资源现状调查分析,目录摘要3abstract4第一章.绪论51.1选题背景和意义51.1.1 研究背景51.1.2 研究意义51.2研究的思路和方法6第二章 人力资源管理理论综述72.1人力资源管理的内涵和特征72.2人力资源管理的职能82.3人力资源管理在旅行社发展中的地位9第三章 河源旅行社人力资源基...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 qs_ahlupe 发布


摘要 3
Abstract 4
第一章.绪论 5
1.1选题背景和意义 5
1.1.1 研究背景 5
1.1.2 研究意义 5
1.2研究的思路和方法 6
第二章 人力资源管理理论综述 7
2.1人力资源管理的内涵和特征 7
2.2人力资源管理的职能 8
2.3人力资源管理在旅行社发展中的地位 9
第三章 河源旅行社人力资源基本状况调查分析 10
3.1人员结构调查分析 10
3.2从人力资源规划调查分析 11
3.2.1缺乏发展观、动态观 11
3.2.2缺乏人才市场观、竞争观 11
3.2.3 缺乏人力资源战略规划 11
3.3员工培训开发与职业发展分析 11
3.4人员绩效考核分析 12
第四章 河源旅行社人力资源结构层次分析 13
4.1从企业经营者角度分析 13
4.1.1实战经验丰富,专业基础不足 13
4.1.2家族式管理理念浓厚 13
4.1.3经营理念先对滞后,过分追求短期利润 13
4.2从员工角色扮演的角度分析 13
4.2.1产品策划人员 13
4.2.2销售人员 14
4.2.3导游服务人员 15
第五章 河源旅行社人力资源管理的改进对策 16
5.1 加强政府扶持与监督机制 16
5.2 校企合作,加强对旅游专业人才的培养与培训 16
5.3建立人才资源平台,构架人才库,重视利用兼职导游人员 16
5.4建立导游服务机构,将导游从旅行社中分开来 17
结论 18
[参考文献】 19
致谢 20



关键词:旅行社 人力资源现状 对策

for an enterprise, human resource development and management is a important way to acquire competitive advantage, human resources strategy is the enterprise development strategy important constituent, is the most important guarantee to realize enterprise strategic target. In the face of rapidly changing business environment and the changes over the environment of the enterprise strategy, enterprise how to dynamically according to the different enterprise strategy effective human resources planning, the planning before, need to enterprise and the current situation enterprise environment were investigated.

heyuan tourism industry by leaps and bounds in recent years, leave the all-round building of the government, to build the sustainable development of the tertiary industry, the travel agency as a tourist industry chain link point, however, assume the function of passenger's import and export, so the development of the travel agency directly affects the development of the tourism industry chain.

this article through to heyuan travel agency human resources present situation investigation, discovered that cannot leave heyuan the sluggish development of travel agencies, personnel planning, and effective development and management. This article for the travel industry in the investigation found problems in-depth anatomy, and considering the current circumstances of heyuan tourism industry development, put forward some countermeasures and Suggestions.

Key words:travel agency; human resources current situation ; Countermeasure