
此文档由会员 qs_ahlupe 发布
摘 要
This graduation design is about the new mine planning for Yunjialing coal mine. It involves the geology, development, operation, transportation, haulage, ventilation and drainage, among other respects, in special terms;
1. Summary of the mine, this chapter mainly introduces the position, geology and conditions of the coal seam.
2. Mine development. This chapter extrapolates among other areas, reserve, serving limits, working system, spot of the draft, selection of level, further drift of mine, panel division a nd underground station.
3.Design of mining districts and retreating technology. This chapter explains the general situation of the mining district, technology and techniques of the working face, roadway layout and operation system in the mining district, the design of the mining district station, cave layout and the schedule for drainage and mining in the main mining district.
4.Operational system of the mine, this chapter states transportation, haulage, ventilation and drainage systems of the mine and the selection of equipment used in the system mentioned above.
In order to practice and reinforce the wealth of the knowledge learned in the past four years, I try my best to introduce various state-of-the-arts when respecting the specific situation of Beipang coal mine. For instance, long wall mine on the inclination, long wall mining on the strike with top coal drawing, and among others, drifting and retaining gateways along goaf are preferred in the design. In addition, the design connects operational situation of a mine with a college student’s ability to elementary scientific research. What’s more, it has been completed with the aid of AutoCAD2004, which streamlined the design process dramatically and lessened the hardness of drawing significantly.
目 录
第一章 矿区概述及井田特征 1
1.1 矿区概述 1
1.1.1 井田地理位置与交通条件 1
1.1.2 自然地理 1
1.2 井田地质特征 2
1.2.1 地质特征 2
1.2.2 地质构造 3
1.2.3 水文地质 4
1.3 煤层特征 4
1.3.1 煤层 4
1.3.2 含煤性概述 4
1.3.3 煤层分述 5
1.3.4 井田煤质特征 5
1.3.5 可采煤层的煤质指标特征 6
第二章井田境界及储量 6
2.1 井田境界 6
2.2 井田工业储量 7
2.3 井田可采储量 8
2.3.1 井田煤柱留设 8
2.3.2 可采储量计算 9
第三章 矿井生产能力、服务年限及工作制度 9
3.1 矿井 生产能力及服务年限 9
3.2 矿井工作制度 10
第四章 井田开拓 12
4.1 概述 12
4.1.1 地质构造 12
4.1.2 煤层赋存状况 12
4.1.3 水文地质情况 12
4.2 开拓方式的确定 13
4.2.1 开拓方案技术比较 16
4.3 井筒位置的确定 20
4.3.1 井筒位置的确定 20
4.4 开采水平的设计 24
4.4.1 水平高度的确定应考虑如下因素 24
4.4.2 确定开采设计的较优方案 25
4.4.3 设计水平的巷道布置 25
4.5 井底车场 27
4.5.1 确定井底车场的形式 27
4.5.2 车场内各种存车线长度计算 28
4.5.3 井底车场的调车方式 30
4.5.4 井底车场的通过能力计算 31
4.5.5 井底车场各硐室布置 32
4.6 开拓系统的综述 34
第五章 采煤方法和带区巷道布置 35
5.1 煤层的地质特征 35
5.1.1 煤层埋藏条件 35
5.1.2 煤质与地质情况 35
5.1.3 顶底板构造特征 36
5.2 带区巷道布置及生产系统 36
5.2.1 带区数目及位置 36
5.2.2 带区巷道布置 36
5.2.3 带区生产系统 37
5.2.4 带区内巷道掘进方法 37
5.2.5带区生产能力 38
5.2.9带区采出率 39
5.2.6 及时支护形式 40
5.2.7 带区车场选型设计 41
6.1 采煤工艺方式 42
6.1.1 带区煤层特征及地质条件 42
6.1.2 采煤方法及其机械化程度的确定 43
6.1.3 回采工作面参数的确定 43
6.1.4 回采工作面破煤、装煤方式的确定 45
6.1.6 采煤机的工作方式 46
6.1.7 回采工艺 46
6.1.8 回采工作面支护方式 47
6.1.9 各工艺过程质量标准 49
6.1.10各工艺过程安全注意事项 50
6.1.11 循环图表、劳动组织、主要技术经济指标 51
6.1.13 综合机械化采煤过程中应注意事项 55
6.2 回采巷道布置 56
6.2.1 回采巷道布置..
This graduation design is about the new mine planning for Yunjialing coal mine. It involves the geology, development, operation, transportation, haulage, ventilation and drainage, among other respects, in special terms;
1. Summary of the mine, this chapter mainly introduces the position, geology and conditions of the coal seam.
2. Mine development. This chapter extrapolates among other areas, reserve, serving limits, working system, spot of the draft, selection of level, further drift of mine, panel division a nd underground station.
3.Design of mining districts and retreating technology. This chapter explains the general situation of the mining district, technology and techniques of the working face, roadway layout and operation system in the mining district, the design of the mining district station, cave layout and the schedule for drainage and mining in the main mining district.
4.Operational system of the mine, this chapter states transportation, haulage, ventilation and drainage systems of the mine and the selection of equipment used in the system mentioned above.
In order to practice and reinforce the wealth of the knowledge learned in the past four years, I try my best to introduce various state-of-the-arts when respecting the specific situation of Beipang coal mine. For instance, long wall mine on the inclination, long wall mining on the strike with top coal drawing, and among others, drifting and retaining gateways along goaf are preferred in the design. In addition, the design connects operational situation of a mine with a college student’s ability to elementary scientific research. What’s more, it has been completed with the aid of AutoCAD2004, which streamlined the design process dramatically and lessened the hardness of drawing significantly.
目 录
第一章 矿区概述及井田特征 1
1.1 矿区概述 1
1.1.1 井田地理位置与交通条件 1
1.1.2 自然地理 1
1.2 井田地质特征 2
1.2.1 地质特征 2
1.2.2 地质构造 3
1.2.3 水文地质 4
1.3 煤层特征 4
1.3.1 煤层 4
1.3.2 含煤性概述 4
1.3.3 煤层分述 5
1.3.4 井田煤质特征 5
1.3.5 可采煤层的煤质指标特征 6
第二章井田境界及储量 6
2.1 井田境界 6
2.2 井田工业储量 7
2.3 井田可采储量 8
2.3.1 井田煤柱留设 8
2.3.2 可采储量计算 9
第三章 矿井生产能力、服务年限及工作制度 9
3.1 矿井 生产能力及服务年限 9
3.2 矿井工作制度 10
第四章 井田开拓 12
4.1 概述 12
4.1.1 地质构造 12
4.1.2 煤层赋存状况 12
4.1.3 水文地质情况 12
4.2 开拓方式的确定 13
4.2.1 开拓方案技术比较 16
4.3 井筒位置的确定 20
4.3.1 井筒位置的确定 20
4.4 开采水平的设计 24
4.4.1 水平高度的确定应考虑如下因素 24
4.4.2 确定开采设计的较优方案 25
4.4.3 设计水平的巷道布置 25
4.5 井底车场 27
4.5.1 确定井底车场的形式 27
4.5.2 车场内各种存车线长度计算 28
4.5.3 井底车场的调车方式 30
4.5.4 井底车场的通过能力计算 31
4.5.5 井底车场各硐室布置 32
4.6 开拓系统的综述 34
第五章 采煤方法和带区巷道布置 35
5.1 煤层的地质特征 35
5.1.1 煤层埋藏条件 35
5.1.2 煤质与地质情况 35
5.1.3 顶底板构造特征 36
5.2 带区巷道布置及生产系统 36
5.2.1 带区数目及位置 36
5.2.2 带区巷道布置 36
5.2.3 带区生产系统 37
5.2.4 带区内巷道掘进方法 37
5.2.5带区生产能力 38
5.2.9带区采出率 39
5.2.6 及时支护形式 40
5.2.7 带区车场选型设计 41
6.1 采煤工艺方式 42
6.1.1 带区煤层特征及地质条件 42
6.1.2 采煤方法及其机械化程度的确定 43
6.1.3 回采工作面参数的确定 43
6.1.4 回采工作面破煤、装煤方式的确定 45
6.1.6 采煤机的工作方式 46
6.1.7 回采工艺 46
6.1.8 回采工作面支护方式 47
6.1.9 各工艺过程质量标准 49
6.1.10各工艺过程安全注意事项 50
6.1.11 循环图表、劳动组织、主要技术经济指标 51
6.1.13 综合机械化采煤过程中应注意事项 55
6.2 回采巷道布置 56
6.2.1 回采巷道布置..