analysis on brand loyalty of mobile phone in suzho.doc


analysis on brand loyalty of mobile phone in suzho,contentsabstracti摘要iicontentsiiichapter one introduction11.1 research background11.2 general purpose of the research21.3 significance of the research31.4 the hy...
分类: 论文>英语论文


此文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布

Abstract i
摘 要 ii
Contents iii
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 General Purpose of the Research 2
1.3 Significance of the Research 3
1.4 The Hypothesis 4
Chapter Two Literature Review 5
2.1 Defination of Brand Loyalty 5
2.2 Research on Inflencing Factors of Brand Loyalty 6
2.3 Research on Inflencing Factors of Brand Loyalty of Mobile Phone 7
Chapter Three Methodlogy 10
3.1 Methods of the Research 10
3.1 Qusetionnaie Design 11
Chapter Four Data Analysis on Brand Loyalty in Suzhou Me Generation 12
4.1 Characteristics of the Samples 11
4.2 Data Analysis 13
Chapter Five Research Resluts and Suggestions to Mobile Phone Manufacturers 22
5.1 Research Results 22
5.2 Suggestions to Mobile Phone Macufacturers 22
Chapter Six Conclusion 29
6.1 Conclusion of the Research 29
6.2 Limitation of the Research 30
Reference 31
AppendixⅠ 34
AppendixⅡ 35