

分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 小花仙66 发布

关键词 单片机AT89C52;计量芯片SM9903;IC卡AT24C01;预付费;电度 表

The rapid development of power industry for electrical energy measurement and management put forward higher requirements: electricity, after paid, first implementation of time-sharing electricity, automatic meter reading and billing, etc. Arises at the historic moment, IC card prepaid electronic watt-hour meter can meet the above requirements.
Compared with the traditional meter ,Single-phase electronic prepayment meter can achieve data acquisition, transmission and processing automation, which overcomes inefficiency and uncertainty of the traditional manual meter reading pattern. Power management can promote modernization. The Single-phase electronic prepayment meter is based on AT89C52. The design of hardware circuit partial completion of the measurement circuit, crystal reduction and display circuits, IC card interface, energy memory, power-fail detection circuit design; procedures for achieving some of the initialization subroutine, the subroutine measurement, the subroutine shown such subroutine design. SM9903 system used as a measurement of chips, and memory IC card AT24C01 as electricity and regulatory departments and users connecting to the bridge, to be sold by the store management system into the value of electricity.
Single-phase electronic Prepayment Meter is not only used for metering, prepaid expenses, it also has a simple interface, compact structure, Measurement accuracy, and high precision characteristics.

Keywords:MCU AT89C52;measurement chip SM9903;IC Card;AT24C01;prepayment;Power Meter

目 录

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.1.1课题的来源及意义 1
1.1.2 电度表的发展 1
1.1.3 IC卡国内外发展现状 2
1.1.4 单相电子式预付费电度表的研究意义 3
1.1.5 单相电子式预付费电度表的特点与功能 3
1.2 单相电子式预付费电度表设计的任务、要求及内容 4
1.2.1 设计任务与要求 4
1.2.2 设计内容 4
第2章 单相电子式预付费电度表总体方案的设计 6
2.1 方案设计与论证 6
2.1.1 电能计量系统方案设计 6
2.1.2 预付费系统方案设计 8
2.2本章小结 10
第3章 单相电子式预付费电度表硬件电路的实现 11
3.1 有功电能测量的基本原理 11
3.2 电能计量电路的实现 12
3.2.1 SM9903芯片介绍 12
3.2.2 计量电路的设计 14
3.3 单片机控制电路的设计 16
3.3.1 AT89C52单片机介绍 16
3.3.2 单片机复位、晶振电路的设计 21
3.4 显示电路的实现 22
3.4.1 SMG12232B-2显示器介绍 22
3.4.2 显示电路的设计 25
3.5 其他部分电路设计 26
3.5.1 IC卡接口电路 26
3.5.2 电能存储器 27
3.5.3 掉电检测电路 31
3.6本章小结 32
第4章 系统程序的设计及仿真 33
4.1 系统程序流程图的设计 33
4.2 子程序的设计 34
4.2.1计量子程序 34
4.2.2存储器读写子程序 35
4.2.3显示子程序 35
4.3系统仿真 36
4.4本章小结 37
结论 38
参考文献 39
致谢 41
附录 42