

数控加工中心刀具库控制,①页数 19②字数 4782③摘要 摘要:数控加工中心刀具控制设计主要是为了实现刀具的自动换取,保证加工过程中的快速与稳定。数控加工中心的换刀一般采用两种控制方式,即固定存放换刀控制和随机存取换刀控制。在固定存取换刀控制中,刀库中各刀具的位置是固定的,刀具选择指令(cnc来的t代码)是以刀套编号为...
分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文



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①页数 19
②字数 4782
摘 要:数控加工中心刀具控制设计主要是为了实现刀具的自动换取,保证加工过程中的快速与稳定。数控加工中心的换刀一般采用两种控制方式,即固定存放换刀控制和随机存取换刀控制。在固定存取换刀控制中,刀库中各刀具的位置是固定的,刀具选择指令(CNC来的T代码)是以刀套编号为存取地址来控制存取动作,即原来从哪一刀套编号中取出来的刀具,在使用完毕后仍归还到那一刀套中。而随机换刀控制中,还刀位置是随机的,刀具选择指令(CNC来的T代码)与刀套编号无关,指令仅以刀具自身的直接编号为目标。这种换刀方式在新刀具取出后,刀库不需转动,立即随机存入原先的刀具,即换刀、存刀一次完成,缩短了换刀时间。因此我们在设计时采用了第二种设计方案,使用PLC为基本控制部件,编制出对应的PLC程序来控制刀具库与机械手的运作。当机械手读入当前位置刀具号后,我们只需人为按下所需选择的道具对应刀具号按钮,即可通过PLC控制电动机运转实现选刀。按照设计要求,我们实现了换刀时安最小角转动且当刀具号相距2时实现减速运转。这样的设计起到了对刀具库的保护、节能、省时等。
Abstract: The number controls to process center knife to have a control design mainly is for carrying out knife to have of automatically exchange, promise to process process in of fast and stable.The number controls to process change the knife of center to generally adopt two kinds of control ways, then fixedly deposit to change the knife control and random access to change the knife a control.In fix the access change the knife the control, each knife has in the knife database of the position be fixed, the knife has choice instruction(CNC come of T code) with knife set serial number for access an address to control access action, then originally took out from which knife the set the serial number of the knife have and still return there 1 after the usage complete in.But random change the knife a control medium, return the knife position is random, the knife has choice instruction(CNC come of T code) and knife set serial number irrelevant, instruction only with the knife have the direct serial number of oneself for target.This kind of changes the knife a way after the new knife take out, the knife database doesn't need to turn to move and immediately and random deposit at first of the knife have, then change the knife, save knife a completion, shortenned to change the knife time.So we adopted the second design project while design, use the PLC as basic control parts, draw up a rightness in response to of PLC procedure to control the operation that the knife has a database and machine hand.When the machine hand reads that going into current position knife has number after, we need factitiousness to press need to be choose of the prop can immediately pass the PLC control electric motor operation a realization to choose knife towards having a number button in response to the knife, .Request according to the design, we carried out to change the knife Anne the minimum Cape turn to move and when the knife has number to mutually be apart from to carry out to decelerate an operation at number2.So of the design rose to have the protection of database and economize on energy, save time to the knife etc..
绪论 1
1课程设计目的 1
2硬件设计 1
2.1刀具盘与机械手示意图 1
2.2S7-200PLC(CPU226)外部接线图 2
2.3电动机主接线图 3
2.4工作流程图 4
3 PLC软件设计 4
3.1梯形图 5
3.2软件编程与调试 7
3.2.1指令表 7
3.2.2软件运行图 10
小结: 13
参考文献: 13
致 谢: 13

The machine hand beginning starts position knife to have number, choose knife to have number, the knife has dish positive and negative turn, the knife has dish deceleration and arrive to indicate
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