此文档由会员 即刻启程 发布
Optimization Design on Working Mechanism of Heavy Electric Shovel
The mining industry is the base of the economy of China, responsible for the energy resource supplement such as coal and raw minerals supplement for industry such as iron ore, aluminum ore, copper ore, etc. Especially, for traditional coal mine underground, the risk of the safety of the miners is very high, and the labor cost had grew much higher than early years. As put forward by 12th Five-year Plan, our country should shift the priority to the construction of opencast mines. However, in China, heavy mine equipment which are the most important element to make an open-pit mine profitable, are usually imported from foreign countries. And electric shovel is one of the main equipment for an open-pit mine. So the research and developing of the electric shovel not only complies with the national policy, but also is necessary to support China's open-pit mining industrial. This paper would focus on the size optimization of a new type excavating mechanism which can improve the efficiency, reducing energy consumption for per unit of production. This paper mainly focuses on the optimization design of the size and trace of the excavating mechanism with the Genetic Algorithm, the power consumption is taken as the objective function in the algorithm. To obtain the total power consumption, research below should be done: 1. the analysis and research of the excavating environment, including by the physical properties of materials, the accumulation form of the materials, the interaction between the digging tool and the soil in the process of mining, the excavating trajectory, etc. 2. The establishment of the kinetic model and dynamical model of the electric shovel work mechanism, and the corresponding program with software Matlab. To complete the optimization, this paper studies the parameters which are relevant to the excavating mechanism and trace. As an achievement, the total power consumption was cut down by 16.7% with the Genetic Algorithm.
Keywords: excavator, excavating mechanism, optimization design, genetic algorithm, new type of excavating trajectory
目 录
第一章绪论 1
1.1研究的背景和意义 1
1.2电铲概述与国内外研究现状 2
1.3遗传优化算法设计 5
1.3.1电铲挖掘机构的阻力载荷 5
1.3.2电铲工作方式的分析以及运动学模型 5
1.3.3电铲挖掘机构的动力学建模 6
第二章 电铲工作过程中的阻力载荷分析 7
2.1前言 7
2.2挖掘阻力分析 7
2.2.1挖掘阻力的影响因素 7
2.2.2电铲挖掘阻力模型 9
2.2.3挖掘阻力的计算分析 11
2.3传统电铲挖掘轨迹分析 13
2.4本章小节 15
第三章 某新型电铲挖掘机构分析及运动学建模 16
3.1前言 16
3.2挖掘机构分析 16
3.2.1电铲挖掘机工作模式 16
3.2.2传统电铲的局限性 18
3.2.3一种新型的三自由度电铲挖掘机构 21
3.3挖掘机构的运动学建模 21
3.4各构件的运动学模型 25
3.5本章小节 27
第四章 挖掘机构动力学模型 28
4.1前言 28
4.2动力学方程的建立 28
4.3各构件质量、转动惯量的确定 33
4.4动力学模型的计算 33
4.5本章小节 38
第五章 挖掘机构尺寸优化设计 39
5.1前言 39
5.2遗传学算法的基本内容和步骤 39
5.2.1染色体的编码 39
5.2.2初始种群的生成 39
5.2.3适应度函数的设计 40
5.2.4基本遗传操作 40
5.3遗传函数算法设计 41
5.3.1优化设计变量编码 41
5.3.2适应度函数 44
5.3.3初始种群的生成 45
5.3.4遗传操作参数的选择 45
5.4优化结果 45
5.5本章总结 52
第六章 结论 53
6.1研究成果 53
6.2研究展望 53
参考文献 55
谢辞 57
Optimization Design on Working Mechanism of Heavy Electric Shovel
The mining industry is the base of the economy of China, responsible for the energy resource supplement such as coal and raw minerals supplement for industry such as iron ore, aluminum ore, copper ore, etc. Especially, for traditional coal mine underground, the risk of the safety of the miners is very high, and the labor cost had grew much higher than early years. As put forward by 12th Five-year Plan, our country should shift the priority to the construction of opencast mines. However, in China, heavy mine equipment which are the most important element to make an open-pit mine profitable, are usually imported from foreign countries. And electric shovel is one of the main equipment for an open-pit mine. So the research and developing of the electric shovel not only complies with the national policy, but also is necessary to support China's open-pit mining industrial. This paper would focus on the size optimization of a new type excavating mechanism which can improve the efficiency, reducing energy consumption for per unit of production. This paper mainly focuses on the optimization design of the size and trace of the excavating mechanism with the Genetic Algorithm, the power consumption is taken as the objective function in the algorithm. To obtain the total power consumption, research below should be done: 1. the analysis and research of the excavating environment, including by the physical properties of materials, the accumulation form of the materials, the interaction between the digging tool and the soil in the process of mining, the excavating trajectory, etc. 2. The establishment of the kinetic model and dynamical model of the electric shovel work mechanism, and the corresponding program with software Matlab. To complete the optimization, this paper studies the parameters which are relevant to the excavating mechanism and trace. As an achievement, the total power consumption was cut down by 16.7% with the Genetic Algorithm.
Keywords: excavator, excavating mechanism, optimization design, genetic algorithm, new type of excavating trajectory
目 录
第一章绪论 1
1.1研究的背景和意义 1
1.2电铲概述与国内外研究现状 2
1.3遗传优化算法设计 5
1.3.1电铲挖掘机构的阻力载荷 5
1.3.2电铲工作方式的分析以及运动学模型 5
1.3.3电铲挖掘机构的动力学建模 6
第二章 电铲工作过程中的阻力载荷分析 7
2.1前言 7
2.2挖掘阻力分析 7
2.2.1挖掘阻力的影响因素 7
2.2.2电铲挖掘阻力模型 9
2.2.3挖掘阻力的计算分析 11
2.3传统电铲挖掘轨迹分析 13
2.4本章小节 15
第三章 某新型电铲挖掘机构分析及运动学建模 16
3.1前言 16
3.2挖掘机构分析 16
3.2.1电铲挖掘机工作模式 16
3.2.2传统电铲的局限性 18
3.2.3一种新型的三自由度电铲挖掘机构 21
3.3挖掘机构的运动学建模 21
3.4各构件的运动学模型 25
3.5本章小节 27
第四章 挖掘机构动力学模型 28
4.1前言 28
4.2动力学方程的建立 28
4.3各构件质量、转动惯量的确定 33
4.4动力学模型的计算 33
4.5本章小节 38
第五章 挖掘机构尺寸优化设计 39
5.1前言 39
5.2遗传学算法的基本内容和步骤 39
5.2.1染色体的编码 39
5.2.2初始种群的生成 39
5.2.3适应度函数的设计 40
5.2.4基本遗传操作 40
5.3遗传函数算法设计 41
5.3.1优化设计变量编码 41
5.3.2适应度函数 44
5.3.3初始种群的生成 45
5.3.4遗传操作参数的选择 45
5.4优化结果 45
5.5本章总结 52
第六章 结论 53
6.1研究成果 53
6.2研究展望 53
参考文献 55
谢辞 57