
此文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布基于B/S模式单片机学习系统的设计与实现——在线学习
关键词: 单片机学习 网络教育 WEB B/S结构 模块
Title B/S Model Based on SCM Learning System
Design and Implementation —— Online Learning
Network education is a kind of teaching and learning environment full of network educational function and educational resources advantages to provide to educators and learners, and interactive teaching activities through education and information transfer digital synchronous or asynchronous under network environment. It has the features and advantages which are sharing teaching resources, learning from any time and space, communicating study interaction and easy to corporate study.
Through the analysis and research, the subject adopts B/S structure and uses broad source technology of PHP to achieve online education system in the video teaching modules of chip in order to facilitate the communication and study of the teachers and students. Teachers can reserve the homework through the question bank in every chapter, and students can finish and submit the homework on line through querying related reservation. Teachers also can submit scores through the network, and students can check their homework by network. It is good to teachers and students to manage.
This paper introduces some basically developed WEB technologies in present days, building the development platform and the realization of the module.
Keywords: SCM learning Network education WEB B/S structure Module
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1研究的背景及现状 1
1.2选题的目的及意义 2
1.3研究的内容 2
2 开发工具简介 3
2.1Browse/Server三层体系结构 3
2.2数据库开发工具MySQL 5.0简介 4
2.3PHP简介 5
2.4数据库的应用 6
2.5JScript简介 7
2.6PHP与MySQL综合应用 7
3 需求分析与设计 8
3.1问题初始分析 8
3.2目标系统功能需求 9
3.3目标系统性能需求 11
3.4性能需求点列表 12
3.5目标系统界面与接口需求 12
3.6目标系统其他需求 12
3.7特殊需求目标系统假设与约束条件 13
3.8详细设计概述 13
3.9模块设计 14
3.10数据库结构设计 15
4 功能实现及测试 21
4.1管理员模块 21
4.2教师管理模块 22
4.3学生管理模块 26
结 论 30
参 考 文 献 32
致 谢 33