
此文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布 通省隧道衬砌支护及施工组织设计
关键词:隧道工程;衬砌;结构; 防排水;施工组织
Structure and construction organization design of tongsheng tunnel LINING
The rapid development of China's economy, makes transport facilities construction standards and more to high, built of the road is more and more to pay attention to in the comfort and environmental protection, but also requires improving its ability to resist disasters. Therefore, in order to follow the terrain to reduce environmental damage meet alignment requirements, ensuring safe economic. In the graduation design, the tunneling method and supporting structure are designed based on the hydrogeological condition of Yiling district located in Shiyan city in Hubei Province.
In the design of the tunnel structure, drainage and construction organization design. First is the Introduction to the construction method of Tunnel Engineering, determine the entrance location, and then make reasonable tunnel geometry design and structure design, analysis and its support structure of rationality; Waterproof and drainage, is to meet tunnel applicability and lining structure and the durability of pavement and equipment conditions, Choice of drainage materials and facilities against the right and the design of waterproof and drainage system ; coordinate major arranged supervision, construction schedule and drainage, and so on, and describes specific construction methods and detailed procedures for the application.
KEYWORDS: Tunneling engineering;Lining;Structure; Waterproof and drainage ;Construction organization
摘要 I
1 概述 1
1.1我国山岭隧道的发展状况 1
1.2近年来隧道修建状况 1
2 山岭隧道施工方法 4
2.1矿山法 4
2.1.1概念 4
2.1.2施工方法 4
2.2新奥法 7
2.2.1发展 7
2.2.2新奥法施工特点 7
2.2.3新奥法理论要点及施工要点 8
2.2.4新奥法的主要支护手段与施工顺序 9
2.2.5新奥法适用范围 10
2.3盾构法 11
2.3.1概念 11
2.3.2施工方法及工艺要求 11
2.3.3线路安全保证措施 14
2.3.4施工监测及纠偏 15
2.3.5桥式盾构法施工特别强调事项 16
2.4几种施工方法的区别及优缺点 16
3 工程概况 19
4 隧道截面设计及计算 21
4.1设计图及围岩压力计算 21
4.2半拱轴线长度S及分段轴线长ΔS 22
4.3载位移—主动荷载在基本结构中引起的位移 26
4.4载位移 33
4.5墙底位移 38
4.6解力法方程 38
4.7计算主动荷载和被动荷载分别产生的衬砌内力 39
4.8最大抗力值的求解 41
4.9计算衬砌总内力 42
4.10截面强度检算 43
4.11配筋计算 44
4.12弯矩及内力图 46
5 隧道洞门结构设计 47
5.1洞门设计 47
5.1.1洞门类型选择 47
5.1.2洞门设计 47
5.1.3洞门建筑材料 47
6 隧道施工开挖方法及掘进方式设计 49
6.1隧道开挖方法 49
6.2隧道掘进方式 50
7 隧道防、排水设计及隧道附属设施设计 52
7.1防水设计 52
7.1.1防排水标准 52
7.1.2防水措施 52
7.2隧道洞内排水 53
7.2.1围岩疏导排水 53
7.2.2路侧边沟排水 53
7.2.3侧向排水沟 54
7.3洞口与明洞防排水 54
7.3.1洞口防排水 54
7.3.2明洞防排水 54
7.4洞内横通道 55
7.5内检修道、设备洞室 55
7.6洞内路面 55
7.6.1正线隧道路面 55
7.6.2人行横道路面 55
7.7其它系统 55
8 隧道施工组织设计 57
8.1施工方案 57
8.2施工方法及措施 57
8.2.1洞口施工 57
8.2.2明洞钢筋砼施工 57
8.2.3洞身开挖施工方法 57
8.2.4隧道通风及排水 58
8.2.5超前支护与初期支护 59
8.2.6隧道二次衬砌 60
8.2.7内砼路面施工方法及洞内附属施工 61
8.3施工注意事项 62
9 结论 64
10 参考文献 65
11 致谢 66