白居易的洛阳情结,摘 要:唐代诗人中,白居易与洛阳最有缘。他被洛阳城内外优美的自然风光和深厚的人文景观深深吸引着,他经常游逛观光,对龙门、天津桥及私家园林均做过生动的描绘。尤其诗人历经宦海风波,身心俱疲,加上身体欠佳,抽身长安,洛中养老是多年的愿望。身闲心乐是白居易晚年追求的生命体验,自足是白居易晚年洛阳生活的一大思想特点,以洛阳为人间...

此文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布摘 要:唐代诗人中,白居易与洛阳最有缘。他被洛阳城内外优美的自然风光和深厚的人文景观深深吸引着,他经常游逛观光,对龙门、天津桥及私家园林均做过生动的描绘。尤其诗人历经宦海风波,身心俱疲,加上身体欠佳,抽身长安,洛中养老是多年的愿望。身闲心乐是白居易晚年追求的生命体验,自足是白居易晚年洛阳生活的一大思想特点,以洛阳为人间仙境,以洛下生活为人间仙境。但是时其闲适诗歌不再为时事而忧叹,不再回响有志之士的抑郁、落拓、苦闷之音,不再表现儒家精神中对社会的责任,这是诗歌兼济天下的人文精神的失落。白居易从长安长归洛阳,在长达三十年时间里,白居易始终关注着洛阳、牵挂着洛阳,不管任职中央,还是地方做官,不管仕途顺利,还是惨遭贬罚,白居易对洛阳的感情和思念始终绵绵不绝、愈久弥深。本文首先从白居易的洛阳之行考辨谈起,其次论述了白居易的香山情结、山水情结、牡丹情结、诗作情结、居洛情结、葬洛情结和佛教情结,最后探讨了白居易洛阳情结的审美价值。
Abstract: Of the Tang Dynasty poets, Bai Juyi was the most close friend of the Luoyang. He was deeply attracted by the exquisite natural scenery and the extensive cultural landscape and went frequently sightseeing to Longmen grotto, the Tianjin bridge and the private botanical garden and made the vivid description of them. After the official circle disturbance, the poet’s body and mind was all weary, he leaved Chang An with his unsound health. Since then, living in luoyang after his retirement has been his dream. Self-enterainment and leisure featured Bai Juyi’s old age life experience. With self-satisfaction, Bai Juyi took Luoyang as a fairyland and lived there like a god in the humane world. But after his failure to achieve his ideal of managing both the family and the country, his poetry no longer describes canurrent events, contains worries sighs, or boosts the social responsibility essential to the Confucius doctrine. During his return from Chang An to Luoyang, which lasted more than 30 years, Bai Juyi always payed close attention to Luoyang, worried about Luoyang. Whether being a senior official or a low rank civil servant, Bai Juyi always missed Luoyang and his affection for Luoyan grew deeper and more profound as the time went. This paper firstly conducts a analysis on Bai Juyi’s visits in Luoyang; then analized seperately Bai Juyi’s affection to Luoyang's Xiangshan temple, to Luoyang’s natural beauty, to Luoyang peony, to the poetry about Luoyang, to the life in Luoyang ,his decision to be burried in Luoyang and Buddhist complex in Luoyang
; and at last, discusses the aesthetic value of Bai Juyi’s effection to Luoyang.
Key words: Bai Juyi; Luoyang; beahermit thought; complex
目 录
1、独特的中原文化……………… ………………………………8
2、独特的城市地位……………… ………………………………8
(五)葬洛情结…………………… ……………………………9
1、留骨洛阳的疑问………………… ………………………………9
2、留骨洛阳的原因试析…………… ………………………………10
1、文学价值………………… ………………………………13
2、诗化洛阳………………… ………………………………13