某市10万吨污水处理厂工艺设计,摘要该市区属温带季风型大陆性气候,春季多风干燥,夏季受北太平洋暖流影响,温暖而潮湿,秋季温润凉爽,冬季受蒙古和西伯利亚高气压带控制,寒冷干燥。年平均降水量约550毫米,年平均气温8℃。故使用sbr工艺设计一个东北某市的污水处理厂。sbr是序列间歇式活性污泥法(sequencing batch reactor activ...

此文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布摘要
SBR是序列间歇式活性污泥法(Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process)的简称,是一种按间歇曝气方式来运行的活性污泥污水处理技术,又称序批式活性污泥法。
The city belongs to the temperate zone monsoon type continental climate, Spring is windy and dry, Affected by the north Pacific warm in summer, Warm and humid, Cool autumn warmth, Controlled by Mongolia and Siberia high pressure belt, winter cold and dry. Average annual rainfall of about 550 mm, Average annual temperature 8 ℃. So the use of SBR process design a northeast city sewage treatment plant.
SBR is the abbreviation of the intermittence type active mud law (Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process) of the array ,it is one kind that exposes to the sun the active mud sewage treatment technology that the angry way operates according to the intermittence ,also called the criticizing type law of active mud of preface.
Different from traditional sewage disposal craft,SBR technology adopt operation mode that time cut apart substitute operation mode that space cut apart , stabilize biochemistry is it substitute stable state biochemistry react , quiet to put ideal precipitate and substitute the traditional dynamic sediment to react . On main characteristic of it operate in order and intermittence operate , core , SBR of technology that SBR reacts in the pool , this pool collects melting , sinking for the first time , function that biodegradation , two sink , etc . in one pond , there is no mud backset current system . Can reach the designing requirement through the waste water of this waste water treatment craft , can discharge directly . Mud that produce after concentrating , pressing and straining etc .dealing with , go on compost produce sure economic benefits .
Key words: A city in northeast China; SBR craft; sanitary sewage; mud
1. 设计任务及资料 1
1.1设计任务 1
1.2设计目的及意义 1
1.2.1设计目的 1
1.2.2设计意义 1
1.3设计要求 1
1.3.1污水处理厂设计原则 1
1.3.2污水处理工程运行过程中应遵循的原则 2
1.4设计资料 2
1.4.1水质情况 2
1.4.2环境条件状况 3
1.4.3排水系统 3
1.5设计依据 3
2. 设计方案 4
2.1污水处理厂流程比选 4
2.1.1确定处理流程的原则 4
2.1.2污水处理流程的选择 4
2.1.3污水处理流程方案的介绍与比较 5
2.1.4污水处理流程方案的确定 12
2.2厂址选择 16
3. 主要构筑物的选择 18
3.1格栅 18
3.2沉砂池 18
3.2.1沉砂池的选择 18
3.3 SBR池 19
3.4接触消毒池 19
3.5集泥井 19
3.6 浓缩池 19
3.7贮泥池 20
3.8脱水间 20
4. 水质水量计算 21
4.1设计污水水量 21
4.2污水处理程度计算 21
5. 一级处理构筑物设计计算 24
5.1格栅计算 24
5.1.1粗格栅计算 24
5.1.2细格栅计算 26
5.2提升泵站计算 27
5.3沉砂池计算 28
6. 二级处理构筑物设计计算 29
6.1 SBR工艺计算 29
6.1.1经典SBR工艺 29
6.1.2 空气管系统计算 35
6.1.3鼓风机的选定 40
6.1.4滗水器 40
6.1.5曝气池进出水设计 40
6.1.6 SBR池前配水井设计 41
6.2接触消毒池与加氯间 42
6.2.1设计参数 42
6.2.2设计计算 42
6.2.3接触池进出水设计 44
6.2.4计量设备 45
7. 污泥处理设计计算 49
7.1污泥处理的目的与处理方法 49
7.2污泥提升泵房兼集泥井 49
7.3污泥浓缩 50
7.4 贮泥池 50
7.4.1贮泥池的作用 50
7.4.2贮泥池的计算 50
7.5污泥脱水 51
8. 污水处理厂布置 53
8.1污水处理厂平面布置 53
8.1.1平面布置原则 53
8.1.2平面布置 55
8.2污水处理厂高程布置 56
8.2.1主要任务 56
8.2.2高程布置原则 57
8.2.3水头损失计算 57
结论 64
参考文献 65
致谢 66