汉泰语动物成语比较,2万字 31页资料包括开题报告,答辩ppt,论文正文,汉泰动物成语,汉泰动物成语分类统计表及分析等[摘要]泰国和中国都是农业大国,随着两国社会文化不断地交流,学习汉语的泰国留学生越来越多。由于动物在汉泰两国人民的生活中都占有重要的地位,语言中包含动物的成语占了很大一部分。由于两国的社会背景、思维方式和...
原文档由会员 20023286 发布
2万字 31页
[摘 要]
[关键词]动物成语; 对比; 文化内涵
Thai and China are large agricultural country,with the social and cultural continuous exchange between the two countries,more and more Thai students study chinese in China.The animal holds an important place in the life of the Chinese and Thai people.Because both countries are vary in their social backgrounds,modes of thinking,and manners and customs,the people’s feeling and association with animals conceptual meaning and figurativw sense.The semantic difference reflects the cultural uniqueness,and also causes the Thai leaners of Chinese to make errors when studing chinese animal idioms because of the the interference of their mother tongue.
I hopes that this contrastive analysis of the Chinese and Thai animal idioms may help the Thai learners to better understand the features, regularities and cultural connotation of the Chinese animal idioms so as to improve their study and ability in understanding and using Chinese idioms.
[Keywords]Animal Idioms; Comparison; Cultural Connotation
目 录
第一章 引言 1
1.1关于汉泰成语比较现状 1
1.2关于汉泰成语比较内容及意义 1
第二章 泰汉动物成语 3
2.1汉泰成语的定义与来源 3
2.2汉泰动物成语的基本情况 6
2.3汉泰动物成语涉及的动物范围 8
第三章 汉泰动物成语喻体与喻义的关系 12
3.1喻体相同或相似,喻义相同或相近 12
3.2喻体相同或相近而喻义不尽相同 14
3.3喻体不同,喻义相同或相近 15
第四章 汉泰动物成语文化内涵的比较 18
4.1汉泰动物成语反映的社会文化背景 18
4.2中泰两国人民对动物的情感态度 22
结论 26
参考文献: 27
致谢 28
[1]李创鑫.汉泰成语与自然环境[J].修辞学习,2001,(6),20-21, 42.
2万字 31页
[摘 要]
[关键词]动物成语; 对比; 文化内涵
Thai and China are large agricultural country,with the social and cultural continuous exchange between the two countries,more and more Thai students study chinese in China.The animal holds an important place in the life of the Chinese and Thai people.Because both countries are vary in their social backgrounds,modes of thinking,and manners and customs,the people’s feeling and association with animals conceptual meaning and figurativw sense.The semantic difference reflects the cultural uniqueness,and also causes the Thai leaners of Chinese to make errors when studing chinese animal idioms because of the the interference of their mother tongue.
I hopes that this contrastive analysis of the Chinese and Thai animal idioms may help the Thai learners to better understand the features, regularities and cultural connotation of the Chinese animal idioms so as to improve their study and ability in understanding and using Chinese idioms.
[Keywords]Animal Idioms; Comparison; Cultural Connotation
目 录
第一章 引言 1
1.1关于汉泰成语比较现状 1
1.2关于汉泰成语比较内容及意义 1
第二章 泰汉动物成语 3
2.1汉泰成语的定义与来源 3
2.2汉泰动物成语的基本情况 6
2.3汉泰动物成语涉及的动物范围 8
第三章 汉泰动物成语喻体与喻义的关系 12
3.1喻体相同或相似,喻义相同或相近 12
3.2喻体相同或相近而喻义不尽相同 14
3.3喻体不同,喻义相同或相近 15
第四章 汉泰动物成语文化内涵的比较 18
4.1汉泰动物成语反映的社会文化背景 18
4.2中泰两国人民对动物的情感态度 22
结论 26
参考文献: 27
致谢 28
[1]李创鑫.汉泰成语与自然环境[J].修辞学习,2001,(6),20-21, 42.