

一种光传感计时测速系统的介绍,全文6页约5000字论述详尽图文并茂 abstractthis article has presented a detailed design example of a simple instrument that can be used to measure speed by monito...
分类: 论文>数学/物理论文


此文档由会员 神雕侠 发布


全文6页 约5000字 论述详尽 图文并茂

This article has presented a detailed design example of a simple instrument that can be used to measure speed by monitoring the time between two optical events. Although this embodiment was designed to measure times in the milliseconds-to-minutes range, the technique can easily be extended to elapsed times down into the microsecond or even nanosecond range. Operation in these domains would, however, require significant changes to the sensor and the analog signal processing circuits.
这篇文章论述一个简单仪器的详细的设计实例,这台仪器通过测定物体通过在两束光之间的时间来测定速度。这种设计,在时间域内可以实现从毫秒到分钟(milliseconds-to-minutes)的测量, 也就是说,这种技术很容易成倍延伸到更小的时隙达到微秒“或”甚至毫微秒范围。 当然,在这一领域进行操作的话, 重要的要求就是传感器的设计和模拟信号处理电路的设计。

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