

哈尔滨望江集团办公楼空调系统工程设计,摘 要本设计为。哈尔滨望江集团办公楼属中小型办公建筑,本建筑总建筑面积4138m2,空调面积2833m2。地下一层,地上八层,建筑高度33.9m。全楼冷负荷为191千瓦,全楼采用水冷机组进行集中供给空调方式。此设计中的建筑主要房间为办公室,大多面积较小,且各房间互不连通,应使所选空调...
分类: 论文>土木工程/建筑论文


此文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布

摘  要

    关键词:风机盘管加独立新风系统; 负荷; 管路设计; 制冷机组: 冷水机组


The design for the Harbin Wangjiang Design Group office building air conditioning system. Harbin Wangjiang Group is a small and medium-sized office building office buildings, the total floor area of building is 4138m2, air-conditioned area is 2833m2. There are eight floor of the building, building height is 33.9m. Cooling load for the entire floor, 191 kilowatts, the whole floor using Central Cooling Chillers to focus on the way .
This design of the main room of the building for office, most of them is very small, and the rooms are not connected, the selected air-conditioning system should be able to achieve independent control of each room, considering the various factors to determine the selection of fan-coil plus fresh air system. Arrangement in the room ceiling fan coil units, using the dark form of equipment. Set the focus on fan-coil system, plus an independent air system, fresh air from the outdoor unit to deal with the introduction of a new wind to the indoor air enthalpy value, do not bear the load of indoor. All bear the indoor fan-coil cooling load and part of its new rheumatoid load. Fan-coil plus an independent air system sent by the Venetian and the under side air delivery. Closed water system with a dual-track program, three cold-water pump, dual-use a prepared; cooling pumps three elections, one prepared by dual-use.     In the cooling load calculation based on the completion of the selection of host and fan coil units, and air volume, the calculation of water, the wind pipe and water pipes to determine the specifications of the road and check the resistance to the most disadvantaged and the loop to determine the pressure head new fans and pumps. Based on the relevant manuals provided by air-conditioning design parameters, and further completion of the new air units, water pumps, hot water units, such as the selection, which will be reflected in their drawings, the final design of the entire air-conditioning system
Key words:  PAU+FCU systems;  load;  pipeline design; refrigeration machine;  Chillers 

目 录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
1  设计依据 1
1.1  设计任务书 1
1.2  建筑平面图和剖面图 1
1.3  国家主要规范和行业标准: 1
1.4  哈尔滨市设计计算参数: 1
1.4.1  室外计算参数 1
1.4.2  室内计算参数 1
1.4.3  其他设计参数 1
1.5  建筑围护结构的热工性能 2
1.5.1  外墙 2
1.5.2  内墙 3
1.5.3  屋面 4
1.5.4  外门 4
1.5.5  外窗 4
1.6  设计范围: 5
1.7  设计原则: 5
2  负荷计算 6
2.1  空调冷负荷的计算 6
2.1.1 外墙冷负荷与屋面冷负荷: 6
2.1.2  玻璃窗瞬变传热引起的冷负荷: 6
2.1.3  透过玻璃窗进入的日射得热引起的冷负荷: 7
2.1.4  照明散热引起的冷负荷: 7
2.1.5  人员散热引起的冷负荷: 7
2.2  调热负荷的计算: 12
2.3  空调湿负荷的计算: 14
3  系统选择 15
3.1  冷热源选择: 15
3.1.1  选择冷热源系统的基本原则: 15
3.1.2  冷热源系统方案的比较 15
3.1.3  冷热源系统方案的确定 16
3.2  空调系统的选择 16
3.2.1  空调系统设计的基本原则 16
3.2.2  空调系统方案的比较 17
3.3  空调系统方案的确定: 18
4  新风负荷的计算 19
4.1  新风量的确定 19
4.2  空调新风冷负荷的计算: 19
5  空气处理设备的选择 21
5.1  风机盘管的选择: 21
5.1.1  风机盘管处理过程 21
5.1.2  风机盘管的选取 22
5.1.3  风机盘管的布置 23
5.2  新风机组的选择: 23
5.2.1  新风机组的计算: 24
5.2.2  新风机组的型号及布置: 24
6  气流组织 25
6.1  气流组织分布 25
6.2  风口布置 26
6.3  风口选择计算 26
7  风系统水力计算 27
7.1  风管水力计算方法 27
7.2  风管水力计算过程 27
7.3  风管的布置及附件: 28
8  空调水系统设计及水利计算 30
8.1  空调水系统的设计 30
8.1.1  空调水系统的设计原则 30
8.1.2  空调水系统方案的确定 30
8.2  冷水系统的水力计算 30
8.3  冷凝水管道设计 32
8.3.1  设计原则: 32
8.3.2  管径确定 32
8.4  水系统安装要求 32
9  制冷机房设备的选择计算 34
9.1  冷水机组选型计算: 34
9.2  冷却塔的设计计算: 34
9.3  循环水泵的选择: 34
9.3.1  冷冻水泵的设计计算 35
9.3.2  冷却水泵的设计计算: 35
9.4  集分水器的设计计算: 35
9.5  水处理设备的选择计算 36
9.6  阀门安装: 36
10  管道保温与防腐 37
10.1  管道保温 37
10.1.1  保温目的 37
10.1.2  保温材料的选用 37
10.1.3  保温厚度 37
10.1.4  保温经济厚度 38
10.2  管道防腐 38
11  消声减震设计 39
11.1  消声设计 39
11.1.1  管道系统消声设计的步骤: 39
11.1.2  消声器使用过程中应当注意的几个问题: 39
11.2  减震设计 39
结束语 40
参考文献 41
致 谢 42