
此文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布装卸料小车多方式运行的PLC控制系统设计
关键词: PLC 运料小车 控制系统 I/O点
Early electric car control system of the transporter over the relay - contactor complex system composed of The system design cycle,there is a long,bulky,high cost,defects,no data processing and communications functions,must be hand operated,will be applied to transport materials car PLC electrical control system and can realize automatic control operation of the car,reducing the running costs of the system,PLC control system for electric car transporter with a simple connection to control speed,reliability and maintainability is good,easy to install,repair and improvement and so on.With economic development,transport materials to various areas of growing car,from manual to automatic,and gradually formed the mechanization and automation.
PLC applied to transport materials to car electrical control system and can realize automatic control operation of the car and reduce system operating costs.Communications and data connectivity options make PLC in volume,communications and special function modules such important applications perfectly. The topics include:analysis of plant and a clear system control requirements;PLC selection;determine the system's I / O device number and type;control process design;control programming.
PLC control system in the car transporter in the application,has been in domestic and international projects has been applied in the factory,with huge economic and social value,the intelligence and automation beyond the idea worthy of further research and extension.
Key words: PLC transporter cart control system I/O points
目 录
1控制系统介绍 1
1.1控制系统在运输小车中的作用与地位 1
1.2控制系统介绍 1
2运输小车系统方案的选择 3
2.1可编程控制器 PLC的优点 3
2.2小车运输系统方案的选择 4
3运料小车控制系统的方案论证 5
3.1运料小车控制系统的控制内容与要求 5
3.1.1运料小车的运动流程 5
3.1.2设备控制要求 6
3.2方案论证 6
4硬件的选择和程序设计 7
4.1系统硬件设计 7
4.1.1 PLC的选型 7
4.1.2 S7-200 CPU 226简介 7
4.2系统变量定义及分配表 7
4.3系统接线图设计 8
4.4控制系统程序设计 9
4.4.1系统的起停控制 9
4.4.2系统的呼车控制 10
4.4.3系统的呼车反转控制 12
4.4.4系统的呼车正转控制 15
5系统调试及结果分析 19
5.1系统调试及解决的问题 19
5.2结果分析 19
5.3小车的优缺点分析 19
5.4设计的改进及推广 20
结束语 21
谢 辞 22
文 献 23