基于gpsgsm汽车防盗系统设计,摘要随着中国经济的迅猛发展,人民生活水平的提高,购车的家庭越来越多,私人汽车日益增多,治安状况恶化,汽车被盗对有发生,汽车的定位与防盗也成为市场的一大需求。目前汽车防盗系统存在存在功能简单、可靠性低、误报警、报警距离短等缺点。gps(global positioning system,全球卫星定位系统)提供了一种可靠有...

此文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布摘要
目前汽车防盗系统存在存在功能简单、可靠性低、误报警、报警距离短等缺点。GPS(Global Positioning System,全球卫星定位系统)提供了一种可靠有效的车辆定位方法,而利用 GSM(globalsystemformobilecommunications,全球移动通信系统)无线通信技术可将定位数据信息迅速传递到接收端,两者结合形成 GPS/GSM 车辆监控系统,为解决以上问题找到了一个很好的解决办法。如果车主有一部收发短消息的GSM手机,防盗系统就可以实现实时报警,并且GPS可确定具体车辆的方位信息,便于查找丢失的汽车。
关键词: GSM;GPS;汽车防盗系统
With the rapid development of China's economy, the improvement of people's living standard, the principle of more and more families, private cars is growing and security situation is worse, car theft has to happen, car positioning and security has become a big market demand.
At present guard against theft system is simple and reliability have functional low, false-negatives, alarm short distance from shortcomings. GPS (global positioning system) provides a reliable and efficient vehicles positioning method, and use GSM (global system for mobile communications) wireless communication technology can will locate data information quickly passed to the receiver, both union form GPS/GSM vehicle monitoring system, to solve the above problem found a good solution. If the owner have a mobile phone short messages and send and receive the GSM, guard against theft system can realize real-time alarm, and GPS can determine the orientation of the specific vehicle information, it is easy to find the lost car.
In this paper at present various conventional lack of guard against theft system based on the analysis of the research based on GPS/GSM intelligent vehicle security system hardware and software design of the scheme and realization. The system consists of STC12C5A60S2 microcontroller, SIM300 wireless module, GPS receiver and guard against theft sensor etc. Microprocessor to collect the information processing, the engine can be confirmed at the cell phone owners locked or the monitoring center sends out information, so as to realize the car monitoring, prevent the theft.
Keywords: GSM; GPS; Guard against theft system
1 前言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 课题研究的目的和意义 1
2 系统组成及工作原理 2
2.1系统组成 2
2.2单片机控制核心 3
2.2.1 STC12C5A60S2系列单片机的内部结构 3
2.2.2 STC12C5A60S2单片机管脚说明 4
2.3 GPS模块 8
2.3.1 GPS 概述 8
2.3.2 GPS系统原理及应用 8
2.4 GSM通讯模块 10
2.4.1 GSM通讯简介 10
2.4.2 GSM通讯模块的选择 10
2.4.3 SMS 短消息简介 11
2.4.4 SMS 的网络体系结构 11
2.4.5 SMS 的数据接口和控制模式 12
2.4.6 SMS 的特点 13
3 硬件电路设计 15
3.1系统总体设计 15
3.2 GPS芯片的输出电路介绍 15
3.3 SIM300模块输出电路设计介绍 16
3.4 显示模块电路设计 17
3.4.1 12864概述 17
3.4.2 12864 管脚功能 17
3.4.3 显示模块的电路连接如图所示: 18
3.5 传感器模块电路设计 19
4 软件程序设计 21
4.1 软件总体模块介绍 21
4.2 串口通信处理 22
4.3 GPS定位数据处理 23
4.4 短信处理及AT指令 24
5 总结 26
致谢 27
参考文献 28
附录 30