三相变压器,全文63页 约20000字叙述详尽摘要:是电力系统中输配电力的主要设备,在电力系统中,的总安装容量为发电机安装容量的6~8倍。近年来,随着能源的日趋紧张,对变压器这一重要用电设备进行节能设计越来越受到人们的重视。此设计主要从节能的角度来设计。对变压器进行节能设计的原则就是满足性能...
此文档由会员 周伯通 发布
全文63页 约20000字 叙述详尽
关键词: 三相变压器;损耗 ;节能;电流密度 ;磁通密度;
Three-phase transformer is the main equipment to transit and distribute power in the electricity system. The total installed capacity of the three-phase transformer is 6~8 times as much as that of the generator in the electricity system. In recent years, with the energy tensing increasingly, people paid more and more attention to this important power consuming equipment the energy. This text designed the three-phase transformer in terms of energy-conservation mainly
The energy-conservation designing principle of three-phase transformer required that the loss of the transformer and the cost of the effective material were reduced with the performance indexes met. In the course of the concrete design, adjusting and calculating are needed repeatly,because it is contradictory for each other to reduce various loss and the material costs under a certain condition.so, the course of adjusting and calculating repeatly is the course of making the overall situation optimization. The design procedure of energy-conservation transformer and ordinary transformer is the same,and they are different in the choose of parameter, for example the electric current density and magnetism flux density choose a little lower than the ordinary voltage transformer. These will make detailed introduction in the course of design concretely.
Keyword: Three-phaser transformer; Loss ; Energy-conservation; Electric current density ; Magnetism flux density;
1 概 述 1
1.1 变压器设计计算的任务 1
1.2 变压器设计的步骤 2
2 变压器电磁计算 3
2.1 电压计算 3
2.2 电流计算 3
2.3 铁心直径估算 4
2.4 变压器容量的折算 5
2.5 铁心柱和铁轭截面设计 5
2.6 线圈匝数计算 6
2.7 电压比校核 7
3 线圈设计 9
3.1 线圈结构型式的确定 10
3.2 导线与电流密度的选择 10
3.3 饼式线圈段数及每段匝数的确定 10
3.4 线圈辐向和轴向尺寸计算 12
4 绝缘结构的确定 14
4.1 绝缘半径计算 14
4.2 窗高计算 14
4.3 确定主、纵绝缘结构的依据 15
4.4 35KV及以下变压器的主、纵绝缘结构 16
5 阻抗电压的计算 21
5.1 阻抗电压计算 21
5.2 内外线圈中无轴向油道 22
5.3 内外线圈有轴向油道 24
6 损耗的计算 25
6.1 线圈数据计算 25
6.2 铁心数据计算 26
6.3 附加损耗计算 29
7 油箱设计及温升计算油箱设计 32
7.1 油箱高度计算 32
7.2 油箱宽度计算 33
7.3 油箱长度计算 33
7.4 变压器的发热及散热过程 34
7.5 线圈对油的温升计算 35
7.6 油温升计算 38
8 重量的计算 42
8.1 油重计算 42
8.2 器身重计算 43
8.3 油箱及附件重量计算 43
9三相变压器设计实例 46
9.1 产器规格及技术要求 46
9.2 主要材料(根据供应情况定) 46
9.3 额定电压和额定电流 47
9.4 铁心数据 47
9.5 线圈数据 48
9.6 阻抗电压计算 51
9.7 损耗计算 52
9.8 油箱尺寸 54
9.9 温升计算 54
9.10 重量计算 56
总 结 57
致 谢 58
参 考 文 献 [1]李发海.朱东起.电机学(第三版).科学出版社 ,2001.1
[5]刘祖润.胡俊达.毕业设计指导(电气类专业适用).机械工业出版社, 1996.1
[11]Karsei K,Kerenyi D,King L.Large Power Transformers.Amsterdam
[12]Schergren B.Calculation of short-Circuit Forces in Transfor
全文63页 约20000字 叙述详尽
关键词: 三相变压器;损耗 ;节能;电流密度 ;磁通密度;
Three-phase transformer is the main equipment to transit and distribute power in the electricity system. The total installed capacity of the three-phase transformer is 6~8 times as much as that of the generator in the electricity system. In recent years, with the energy tensing increasingly, people paid more and more attention to this important power consuming equipment the energy. This text designed the three-phase transformer in terms of energy-conservation mainly
The energy-conservation designing principle of three-phase transformer required that the loss of the transformer and the cost of the effective material were reduced with the performance indexes met. In the course of the concrete design, adjusting and calculating are needed repeatly,because it is contradictory for each other to reduce various loss and the material costs under a certain condition.so, the course of adjusting and calculating repeatly is the course of making the overall situation optimization. The design procedure of energy-conservation transformer and ordinary transformer is the same,and they are different in the choose of parameter, for example the electric current density and magnetism flux density choose a little lower than the ordinary voltage transformer. These will make detailed introduction in the course of design concretely.
Keyword: Three-phaser transformer; Loss ; Energy-conservation; Electric current density ; Magnetism flux density;
1 概 述 1
1.1 变压器设计计算的任务 1
1.2 变压器设计的步骤 2
2 变压器电磁计算 3
2.1 电压计算 3
2.2 电流计算 3
2.3 铁心直径估算 4
2.4 变压器容量的折算 5
2.5 铁心柱和铁轭截面设计 5
2.6 线圈匝数计算 6
2.7 电压比校核 7
3 线圈设计 9
3.1 线圈结构型式的确定 10
3.2 导线与电流密度的选择 10
3.3 饼式线圈段数及每段匝数的确定 10
3.4 线圈辐向和轴向尺寸计算 12
4 绝缘结构的确定 14
4.1 绝缘半径计算 14
4.2 窗高计算 14
4.3 确定主、纵绝缘结构的依据 15
4.4 35KV及以下变压器的主、纵绝缘结构 16
5 阻抗电压的计算 21
5.1 阻抗电压计算 21
5.2 内外线圈中无轴向油道 22
5.3 内外线圈有轴向油道 24
6 损耗的计算 25
6.1 线圈数据计算 25
6.2 铁心数据计算 26
6.3 附加损耗计算 29
7 油箱设计及温升计算油箱设计 32
7.1 油箱高度计算 32
7.2 油箱宽度计算 33
7.3 油箱长度计算 33
7.4 变压器的发热及散热过程 34
7.5 线圈对油的温升计算 35
7.6 油温升计算 38
8 重量的计算 42
8.1 油重计算 42
8.2 器身重计算 43
8.3 油箱及附件重量计算 43
9三相变压器设计实例 46
9.1 产器规格及技术要求 46
9.2 主要材料(根据供应情况定) 46
9.3 额定电压和额定电流 47
9.4 铁心数据 47
9.5 线圈数据 48
9.6 阻抗电压计算 51
9.7 损耗计算 52
9.8 油箱尺寸 54
9.9 温升计算 54
9.10 重量计算 56
总 结 57
致 谢 58
参 考 文 献 [1]李发海.朱东起.电机学(第三版).科学出版社 ,2001.1
[5]刘祖润.胡俊达.毕业设计指导(电气类专业适用).机械工业出版社, 1996.1
[11]Karsei K,Kerenyi D,King L.Large Power Transformers.Amsterdam
[12]Schergren B.Calculation of short-Circuit Forces in Transfor