

油封内外夹圈冲压工艺与模具设计,摘 要 本论文应用本专业所学课程的理论和生产实际知识进行一次冷冲压模具设计工作的实际训练从而培养和提高学生独立工作能力,巩固与扩充了冷冲压模具设计等课程所学的内容,掌握冷冲压模具设计的方法和步骤,掌握冷冲压模具设计的基本的模具技能懂得了怎样分析零件的工艺性,怎样确定工艺方案,了解了模具的基本结构,提高了计算能力,绘图能...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布

摘   要




Thus the present paper applies this specialty to study the curriculum the theory and the production know-how carries on a time cold stamping mold design work the actual training to raise and to sharpen the student independent working ability, consolidated and expanded the content which curricula and so on cold stamping mold design studied, the method and the step which the grasping cold stamping mold designed, the basic mold skill which the grasping cold stamping mold designed had understood how analyzed the components the technology capability, how definite craft plan, had understood the mold basic structure, sharpened the computation ability, cartography ability, has been familiar with the standard and the standard, simultaneously various branches correlation curriculum all had the comprehensive review, independent thinking ability also had the enhancement. can enhance the production efficiency enormously, but falls the material to stretch the concave mold design to be important, in the design should consider fully it falls the material stretch mold mouth shape, otherwise easy to affect falls the material stretches the shape.  This project analyse the technology features of punch forming and introduce the operational principle and the structure design of the compound moulds of blank-and-cup piercing drawing and flanging. I designed a suit of compound moulds which contain blank-and-cup piercing drawing and flanging. This suit of compound moulds are reasonable designed and has compact structures , high reliability and widely used. This suit of compound moulds can complete blank-and-cup piercing drawing and flanging in a position, so the production efficiency and economic benefit are higher then the old technology features. Determine the type of the moulds by the technology anal yes of the part. Then calculate and design the parts according to the normal way, such as: male mould, female mould and mould holder.  

Keywords: compound moulds,blank-and-cup,falls material,strech mol
punch hole,superposeble die,cold stamping ,artography ability

前言 1
1概论 2
1.1引言 2
1.2.1冲压模相关介绍 2
1.2.2冲模在现代工业生产中的地位 2
1.2.3我国冲压模具市场情况 3
1.2.4 冲压模具水平状况 4
1.2.5我国冲模今后发展趋势 6
2.1工件工艺性分析 6
2.1.1冲裁工艺性 6
2.1.2翻边工艺性 7
2.1.3判断能否一次性翻边成形 7
2.2 工艺方案确定 8
2.2.1.油封内夹圈工艺方案 9
2.2.2.油封外夹圈工艺方案 9
3排样及计算材料利用率 10
3.1计算预冲孔大小 10
3.1.1内夹圈预冲孔计算 10
3.3.2外夹圈预冲孔计算 11
3.2确定排样方式 11
3.3计算材料利用率 12
3.3.1油封内夹圈材料利用率计算 12
3.3.2油封外夹圈材料利用率计算 14
4冲裁力及压力中心计算 15
4.1油封内夹圈计算 15
4.1.1落料力计算 15
4.1.2翻边力计算 16
4.1.3切边力计算 16
4.1.4推件力计算 16
4.4.5总压力计算 16
4.2油封外夹圈计算 16
4.2.1拉深力的计算 16
4.2.2压边力的计算 16
4.2.3拉深总工艺力计算 17
4.2.4翻边力计算 17
4.2.5卸料力的计算 17
4.2.6冲裁力计算 17
4.2.7落料力计算 17
4.2.8总冲压力的计算 17
4.3压力中心的计算 18
5主要工作部分尺寸计算 18
5.1油封内夹圈尺寸计算 18
5.1.1落料刃口尺寸计算 18
5.1.2冲孔切边刃口尺寸计算 19
5.1.3翻边工作刃口尺寸计算 19
5.2油封内夹圈尺寸计算 20
5.2.1落料刃口尺寸计算 20
5.2.2冲孔切边刃口尺寸计算 21
5.2.3翻边工作刃口尺寸计算 21
6凸模、凹模及凸凹模的结构设计及校核 22
6.1油封内夹圈模具外形尺寸 22
6.1.1落料凹模结构设计 22
6.1.2确定落料、翻边凸凹模外形尺寸 24
6.1.3冲孔翻边凸模外形设计 25
6.2油封内夹圈模具外形尺寸 25
6.2.1冲孔凸模外形尺寸 25
6.2.2落料凹模形状设计 26
6.2.3拉深翻边凸凹模外形设计 26
7主要零部件设计 27
7.1模柄的设计 27
7.1.1油封内夹圈模柄的设计 27
7.1.2油封外夹圈模柄的设计 28
7.2固定板和垫板的设计 28
7.2.1凸凹模固定板的设计 28
7.2.2垫板的设计 29
7.3定位零件的设计 30
7.3.1固定挡料销的设计 30
7.3.2圆柱销的设计 30
7.4出件机构的设计 31
7.4.1推出件机构的设计 31
7.4.2下出件机构的设计 33
8模架的选择 35
8.1模架的选择 36
8.2模具的闭合高度计算 37
8.2.1模具闭合高度计算的意义 37
8.2.2计算模具的闭合高度 37
9选择冲压设备 37
10模具总装图及装配工艺性……………………………………………………  39
   10.1模具总配图……………………………………………………………… 39
   10.2装配工艺性……………………………………………………………… 41
       10.2.1工作零件的固定装配 41
10.2.2其他零件的装配 42
参考文献 43
总结 44
致谢 45