此文档由会员 周伯通 发布
摘 要
Business income tax is our existing tax structure of an important tax corporate income tax as well as the construction of China's tax system and deepening the reform is the important components. Therefore,the merger of the income tax system for domestic and foreign-funded enterprises, unified enterprise income tax law has a special significance : It is not only related to enterprises to create competition among its fair share and equal competition environment,but also is the development of the socialist market economy and the objective requirements of the impact of the economic reform process and the establishment of a market economy. Two taxes merger is a consolidated tax system,it will promote the tax structure and the optimization of the economic structure,so as to provide long-term economic growing impetus. Unified enterprise income tax law is ripe,the merger of the two taxes is the general trend.
This paper describes the domestic and foreign enterprise income tax and the development of two tax differences coexist with the status ,analysis of the domestic and foreign enterprise income tax system at the issue and on this basis,following the international success of the developed and developing countries to reform the tax system experience, resolving the problem in the tax structure and income tax trends,giving the methods and measures of the merger of the two taxes.
Key words: Corporate income tax Foreign enterprise Tax Reform
目 录
一、我国内外资企业所得税分制的概述 1
(一)内外资企业所得税的背景与现状 1
(二)内外资企业所得税的差异 1
二、内外资企业所得税分制存在的问题 3
(一)两套税制违反税负公平原则,不利于企业公平竟争 3
(二)两套税制违反税收效率原则,不利于降低费用和提高效益 4
(三)税制不规范既加大了税收征管难度,又影响企业深化改革 4
(四)税收待遇不同导致所得税执法不严,税收流失严重 4
三、统一内外资企业所得税法的基本原则 4
(一)根据国情,借鉴国外所得税立法的经验,保证税法的科学性和完备性 4
(二)把握国际所得税改革的发展趋势,增强税法的统一性和前瞻性 5
(三)正确处理公平和效率的关系,坚持公平优先、兼顾效率的原则,增强税法对多重目标的协调性 5
(四)协调好企业所得税法与财会制度的关系,增强税法的规范性和强制性 5
四、统一内外资企业所得税法的措施 6
(一)合理界定纳税人 6
(二)统一税基 6
(三)统一并适当降低税率 6
(四)调整优惠政策,转变优惠方式 7
(五)避免重复课税,实行归集抵免制,协调好两个所得税 7
(六)正确处理税法与财务会计制度的关系 8
(七)给外资企业设立一个过渡期,缓冲两税合并对外资企业所造成的冲击 8
五、两税合并后对我国经济的影响 8
(一)对财政收入的影响 8
(二)对国家实施经济调控的影响 10
(三)对扩大对外开放,吸引外商投资的影响 10
结论 11
谢辞 12
参考文献 13
[2] 安体富.王海勇.论内外两套企业所得税制的合并[J].税务研究,2005,3:45-52
[3] 李荣生.费媛.王焕清.我国企业所得税发展的趋势[J].税务研究,2005,3:53-59
[4] 梁发带.从效率角度看内外资所得税税率并轨[N].中国经济时报,2006,1:4
[5] 梁俊娇.企业所得税制改革的几点思考[N].中央财经大学学报,2006,3:35-42
[6] 董锦治.所得税会计模式国际实践与我国的选择[J].税务研究,2005,1:15-23
[7] 韩耀星.中国税收与税制改革研究[M]. 北京:中国财政经济出版社,2005.
[8] 董树奎.税收制度与企业会计制度差异分析及协调[M].中国财政经济出版社,2005.
[9] 岳树民.中国税制优化的理论分析[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005.
[10] 梁蓓,罗勇翔.国际税收[M].北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2004.
[11] 郝如玉.税收理论研究[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2005.
[12] 王铁军,苑新丽.国际税收[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2005.
[13] 樊明丽.税制优化研究[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2006.
[14] 刘军.世界性税制改革理论与实践研究[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005.
[15] 美(Henry J. Aaron), (William G. Gale)主编.郭庆旺,刘茜译.美国税制改革的经济影响[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005.
[16] Ben Terra,Peter Wattel..European Tax Law[J].2 edition, 1997.
摘 要
Business income tax is our existing tax structure of an important tax corporate income tax as well as the construction of China's tax system and deepening the reform is the important components. Therefore,the merger of the income tax system for domestic and foreign-funded enterprises, unified enterprise income tax law has a special significance : It is not only related to enterprises to create competition among its fair share and equal competition environment,but also is the development of the socialist market economy and the objective requirements of the impact of the economic reform process and the establishment of a market economy. Two taxes merger is a consolidated tax system,it will promote the tax structure and the optimization of the economic structure,so as to provide long-term economic growing impetus. Unified enterprise income tax law is ripe,the merger of the two taxes is the general trend.
This paper describes the domestic and foreign enterprise income tax and the development of two tax differences coexist with the status ,analysis of the domestic and foreign enterprise income tax system at the issue and on this basis,following the international success of the developed and developing countries to reform the tax system experience, resolving the problem in the tax structure and income tax trends,giving the methods and measures of the merger of the two taxes.
Key words: Corporate income tax Foreign enterprise Tax Reform
目 录
一、我国内外资企业所得税分制的概述 1
(一)内外资企业所得税的背景与现状 1
(二)内外资企业所得税的差异 1
二、内外资企业所得税分制存在的问题 3
(一)两套税制违反税负公平原则,不利于企业公平竟争 3
(二)两套税制违反税收效率原则,不利于降低费用和提高效益 4
(三)税制不规范既加大了税收征管难度,又影响企业深化改革 4
(四)税收待遇不同导致所得税执法不严,税收流失严重 4
三、统一内外资企业所得税法的基本原则 4
(一)根据国情,借鉴国外所得税立法的经验,保证税法的科学性和完备性 4
(二)把握国际所得税改革的发展趋势,增强税法的统一性和前瞻性 5
(三)正确处理公平和效率的关系,坚持公平优先、兼顾效率的原则,增强税法对多重目标的协调性 5
(四)协调好企业所得税法与财会制度的关系,增强税法的规范性和强制性 5
四、统一内外资企业所得税法的措施 6
(一)合理界定纳税人 6
(二)统一税基 6
(三)统一并适当降低税率 6
(四)调整优惠政策,转变优惠方式 7
(五)避免重复课税,实行归集抵免制,协调好两个所得税 7
(六)正确处理税法与财务会计制度的关系 8
(七)给外资企业设立一个过渡期,缓冲两税合并对外资企业所造成的冲击 8
五、两税合并后对我国经济的影响 8
(一)对财政收入的影响 8
(二)对国家实施经济调控的影响 10
(三)对扩大对外开放,吸引外商投资的影响 10
结论 11
谢辞 12
参考文献 13
[2] 安体富.王海勇.论内外两套企业所得税制的合并[J].税务研究,2005,3:45-52
[3] 李荣生.费媛.王焕清.我国企业所得税发展的趋势[J].税务研究,2005,3:53-59
[4] 梁发带.从效率角度看内外资所得税税率并轨[N].中国经济时报,2006,1:4
[5] 梁俊娇.企业所得税制改革的几点思考[N].中央财经大学学报,2006,3:35-42
[6] 董锦治.所得税会计模式国际实践与我国的选择[J].税务研究,2005,1:15-23
[7] 韩耀星.中国税收与税制改革研究[M]. 北京:中国财政经济出版社,2005.
[8] 董树奎.税收制度与企业会计制度差异分析及协调[M].中国财政经济出版社,2005.
[9] 岳树民.中国税制优化的理论分析[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005.
[10] 梁蓓,罗勇翔.国际税收[M].北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2004.
[11] 郝如玉.税收理论研究[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2005.
[12] 王铁军,苑新丽.国际税收[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2005.
[13] 樊明丽.税制优化研究[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2006.
[14] 刘军.世界性税制改革理论与实践研究[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005.
[15] 美(Henry J. Aaron), (William G. Gale)主编.郭庆旺,刘茜译.美国税制改革的经济影响[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005.
[16] Ben Terra,Peter Wattel..European Tax Law[J].2 edition, 1997.