宿迁市中小企业融资困境及对策,摘 要:近几年,宿迁市的中小企业得到快速发展,但总体上却落后于江苏省其他地区,当前制约着宿迁中小企业发展的主要因素就是融资问题。本文将采用理论联系实际和案例分析方法,通过对宿迁市中小企业融资总体现状和具体公司融资情况进行分析,找出宿迁市中小企业融资的成功做法及宿迁市融资困境的原因所在,进而寻...

此文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布宿迁市中小企业融资困境及对策
摘 要:近几年,宿迁市的中小企业得到快速发展,但总体上却落后于江苏省其他地区,当前制约着宿迁中小企业发展的主要因素就是融资问题。本文将采用理论联系实际和案例分析方法,通过对宿迁市中小企业融资总体现状和具体公司融资情况进行分析,找出宿迁市中小企业融资的成功做法及宿迁市融资困境的原因所在,进而寻求解决宿迁市中小企业融资难的可行对策建议。
The Financing Difficulties and Countermeasures of SMES in Su’qian
Abstract: In recent years, the SMES in Suqian is developed rapidly , but it is still behind other areas of Jiangsu Province, the current constraints of the Suqian major factor in the development of SMEs financing. This article will use the theory with practice and case analysis, through the financing of SMEs in Suqian companies overall situation and the specific analysis to identify the success of SME financing Suqian Suqian financing practices and the plight of the reason why, then seek a solution of Suqian SME financing viable countermeasures.
Text is divided into five parts: The first part is the introduction part. This paper mainly outlines the background and significance, in the review and eva luation of research status on the basis of the method proposed by this paper. The second part of the basic theory of SME financing. The third part is the overall Suqian Analysis of financing for SMEs, and for the specific case of a company Suqian find Suqian the successful experience of SME financing and financial problems Suqian. The fourth part is the financing of SME Finance Suqian The causes of difficulties. The fifth part of the previous text, based on the actual situation for Suqian proposed countermeasures to solve the financing problem of SMEs.
Finally, there is conclusion of the major research and put forward for further study in the future.
Keywords: Suqian;SMEs;The Difficult Financing Situation;Countermeasure
目 录
1 绪论………………………………………………………………………………1
1.1 研究背景及意义…………………………………………………………………1
1.2 文献综述………………………………………………………………………1
1.3 本文的研究方法…………………………………………………………………2
2.1 企业融资的基本内容………………………………………………………2
2.2 MM理论…………………………………………………………………3
2.3 信号传递理论…………………………………………………………………3
2.4 信息不对称理论………………………………………………………………3
2.5 融资顺序理论…………………………………………………………………4
3 宿迁市中小企业发展和融资现状………………………………………………4
3.1 宿迁市中小企业发展现状……………………………………………………4
3.2 宿迁市中小企业融资总体概况………………………………………………6
4 宿迁市中小企业融资困境成因分析……………………………………………9
4.1 中小企业自身素质不高…………………………………………………………9
4.2 政府的重视程度不够…………………………………………………………10
4.3 金融机构贷款手续复杂、门槛高………………………………………………11
4.4 民间融资不规范………………………………………………………………13
4.5 融资方式笼统单一……………………………………………………………14
5 解决宿迁市中小企业融资困境的对策………………………………………14
5.2 政府加快行政体制改革,提高政策的执行效率………………………………15
5.3 加快发展和改革地方性民间金融构 …………………………………………16
5.4 规范发展民间借贷… …………………………………………………………17
结论 …………………………………………………………………………………21
致谢 …………………………………………………………………………………22