基于jsp的网络书店销售管理系统,基于jsp的网络书店销售管理系统1.8万字 38页资料包括开题报告,任务书,中英文翻译,中期检查表,程序代码摘 要21世纪是网络经济时代,计算机和网络技术的飞速发展,对传统的商品交易形式和流通方式产生了极大地影响。随着人们对信息的获取方式和获取途径的改变,对传统的书店的销售和管理模式带来挑战,建立相应的网上书店显得尤其...
原文档由会员 20023286 发布
1.8万字 38页
摘 要
关键词:网上书店;销售管理; 购物车;
In the cyber times as the 21st century, the development at full speed of the network technology,has influenced the traditional trade way and circulation style in commercial trade greatly. With the constant enlargement of the business, the scales of some bookstores are expanding continually, and they need to set up some corresponding online bookstores urgently.
This system was based on JSP Web application technology, utilizing Microsoft Office Access as database. Dreamweaver was used for developing pages. In this thesis firstly explained the development and current situation of the domestic and international online bookstores. And then based on the investigation and analysis to the market of online bookstores, integrating with the exploitation technology of the system, it confirmed the demand analyse of the system and made a detailed scheme design .It confirmed two basic function modules:foreground management and background management.It includes several function module like user login in,inquiring of the Books, looking over the shopping cart, ordering for goods information and so on. Then, the author introduced outline design ,detailed design of the system and function test of system.
This system could meet the basic design demand more or less after the test and trial operation .It will be more convenient for the administrator to keep control of books ,searching book function, selling book function.
Keywords:Online Bookstore;Sale managent; Shopping Cart;
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
第二章 网络书店销售管理系统概述 2
§2.1系统开发背景 2
§2.2选题的目的和意义 2
§2.3系统概况 3
§2.4系统在国内外发展的概况 3
第三章 系统需求分析 5
§3.1业务及用户需求分析 5
§3.2系统可行性分析 6
§3.2.1技术可行性 6
§3.2.2经济可行性 7
§3.2.3操作可行性 7
§3.3系统服务器配置及开发工具 7
§3.4系统开发技术基础及其关系图 8
§3.5系统数据流程分析 9
§3.5.1顶层数据流图 9
§3.5.2第二层数据流图——前台购书和后台管理 9
§3.5.3第三层数据流图——用户登陆处理 10
§3.6数据字典(DD) 11
第四章 系统设计 14
§4.1系统设计指导思想及原则 14
§4.2系统结构图 14
§4.3系统功能具体分析 15
§4.4数据库的设计 16
§4.4.1概念结构设计 16
§4.4.2逻辑结构设计 17
§4.4.3物理结构设计 18
第五章 系统功能模块实现 24
§5.1用户登陆模块 24
§5.2用户注册模块 24
§5.3提交定单模块 25
§5.4定单处理模块 26
§5.5图书查询模块 27
§5.6图书信息维护模块 28
§5.7辅助功能模块 29
第六章 系统测试 30
§6.1系统测试 30
§6.1.1测试的目的 30
§6.1.2测试的准则 30
§6.1.3测试的方法 30
§6.2单元测试实例 31
§6.3综合测试 32
§6.4系统的维护主要包括四个方面 32
结 论 33
系统结论 33
个人体会 33
参考文献 35
致 谢 36
[1]张晓雁,李朝葵. 网上书店研究综述[J]. 图书馆学刊,2002, No.5:41.
[2]孙海峰. 促进我国电子商务发展的思考[A]. 经济师, 2004, No.1:138.
[3]Daniel Wybrow, Pate Cameron-MaccDonald. Management Information Systems: Do they give manufacturing organizations what they want?[J].Journal of Materials Processing Technology,1996,Vol3(2):61.
[4]王建国, 郭建波. 论目前我国电子商务发展面临的机遇与挑战[A]. 经济师,
2004, No.2:133.
[5]刘敏. 网上书店的设计与实现[J]. Computer Era, 2004, No.1:14.
[6]Henry F.Korth, Abraham.Silberschatz. Database research faces the information explosion[J]. Communications of the ACM,1997, Vol2(4):40.
[7]丁晖. 基于JSP的动态网站开发技术[J]. 华南金融电脑 , 2003-11-10, No.11: 73.
[8]韩冬. JavaBean 在JSP中的应用[A]. 安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版),2004-2,Vol.10(1):97.
[9]苏林忠, 冀翼. 基于JSP技术的动态WEB开发[A]. 河南师范大学学报(自然科学版),2003-8, Vol.31(3):94.
1.8万字 38页
摘 要
关键词:网上书店;销售管理; 购物车;
In the cyber times as the 21st century, the development at full speed of the network technology,has influenced the traditional trade way and circulation style in commercial trade greatly. With the constant enlargement of the business, the scales of some bookstores are expanding continually, and they need to set up some corresponding online bookstores urgently.
This system was based on JSP Web application technology, utilizing Microsoft Office Access as database. Dreamweaver was used for developing pages. In this thesis firstly explained the development and current situation of the domestic and international online bookstores. And then based on the investigation and analysis to the market of online bookstores, integrating with the exploitation technology of the system, it confirmed the demand analyse of the system and made a detailed scheme design .It confirmed two basic function modules:foreground management and background management.It includes several function module like user login in,inquiring of the Books, looking over the shopping cart, ordering for goods information and so on. Then, the author introduced outline design ,detailed design of the system and function test of system.
This system could meet the basic design demand more or less after the test and trial operation .It will be more convenient for the administrator to keep control of books ,searching book function, selling book function.
Keywords:Online Bookstore;Sale managent; Shopping Cart;
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
第二章 网络书店销售管理系统概述 2
§2.1系统开发背景 2
§2.2选题的目的和意义 2
§2.3系统概况 3
§2.4系统在国内外发展的概况 3
第三章 系统需求分析 5
§3.1业务及用户需求分析 5
§3.2系统可行性分析 6
§3.2.1技术可行性 6
§3.2.2经济可行性 7
§3.2.3操作可行性 7
§3.3系统服务器配置及开发工具 7
§3.4系统开发技术基础及其关系图 8
§3.5系统数据流程分析 9
§3.5.1顶层数据流图 9
§3.5.2第二层数据流图——前台购书和后台管理 9
§3.5.3第三层数据流图——用户登陆处理 10
§3.6数据字典(DD) 11
第四章 系统设计 14
§4.1系统设计指导思想及原则 14
§4.2系统结构图 14
§4.3系统功能具体分析 15
§4.4数据库的设计 16
§4.4.1概念结构设计 16
§4.4.2逻辑结构设计 17
§4.4.3物理结构设计 18
第五章 系统功能模块实现 24
§5.1用户登陆模块 24
§5.2用户注册模块 24
§5.3提交定单模块 25
§5.4定单处理模块 26
§5.5图书查询模块 27
§5.6图书信息维护模块 28
§5.7辅助功能模块 29
第六章 系统测试 30
§6.1系统测试 30
§6.1.1测试的目的 30
§6.1.2测试的准则 30
§6.1.3测试的方法 30
§6.2单元测试实例 31
§6.3综合测试 32
§6.4系统的维护主要包括四个方面 32
结 论 33
系统结论 33
个人体会 33
参考文献 35
致 谢 36
[1]张晓雁,李朝葵. 网上书店研究综述[J]. 图书馆学刊,2002, No.5:41.
[2]孙海峰. 促进我国电子商务发展的思考[A]. 经济师, 2004, No.1:138.
[3]Daniel Wybrow, Pate Cameron-MaccDonald. Management Information Systems: Do they give manufacturing organizations what they want?[J].Journal of Materials Processing Technology,1996,Vol3(2):61.
[4]王建国, 郭建波. 论目前我国电子商务发展面临的机遇与挑战[A]. 经济师,
2004, No.2:133.
[5]刘敏. 网上书店的设计与实现[J]. Computer Era, 2004, No.1:14.
[6]Henry F.Korth, Abraham.Silberschatz. Database research faces the information explosion[J]. Communications of the ACM,1997, Vol2(4):40.
[7]丁晖. 基于JSP的动态网站开发技术[J]. 华南金融电脑 , 2003-11-10, No.11: 73.
[8]韩冬. JavaBean 在JSP中的应用[A]. 安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版),2004-2,Vol.10(1):97.
[9]苏林忠, 冀翼. 基于JSP技术的动态WEB开发[A]. 河南师范大学学报(自然科学版),2003-8, Vol.31(3):94.