
此文档由会员 v9999 发布钢卷运输车
The Transport Vehicle Of Rolling Steel
The transport vehicle of rolling steel is an important auxiliary equipment which is widely used in rolling mill production line, its design features and work performance has a direct impact on the productivity of the entire rolling line. It is an important transportation equipment which transports steel roll from recoiling machine to bander, which make it convenient to the production of steel rolling. This design is mainly to design and remould the walking and driving mechanism and lifting mechanism of the transport vehicle of rolling steel. The main content of this design research includes the choice of the overall plan of design, traveling mechanism, the design of lifting mechanism and the design of main components’ design and checking and so on. In this design,the drive mode of traveling mechanism of transport vehicle of rolling steel is by motor machine. Because of the tachometer drive ratio is big, I choose two stage gear worm reducer for the small one. The reducer has two output ends which connect the wheels by coupler to make the wheels run. The movement of lifting mechanism is driven by the hydraulic cylinder to complete. Nowadays , with the rapid development of China's iron and steel industry, the related equipment of steel rolling production has efficient, simple, and energy saving development. The transport vehicle has played a big role in achieving automation production , so the design must be safe and reliable, easy to repair and preserve, suitable for different production requirements and also to reduce the cost of the big extent. The technology has been developed in other countries, so we should bring in the foreign technology and also innovate according to our actual need. To promote the steel rolling production for China to achieve more rapid development.
KEY WORDS: rolling steel, transport, lifting mechanism, cold rolling
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题的背景 1
1.2 国内外研究状况和相关领域中的研究成果 2
1.3 课题的研究方法 2
1.4 研究的内容 2
2 总体方案设计 4
2.1 方案设计 4
2.2 方案的对比 4
2.3 方案的确定 5
3 电动机选择 8
3.1 设计参数 8
3.2 电动机的选择 8
3.2.1 电机类型的选择 8
3.2.2 选择电动机 10
3.2.3 电动机的校核 10
4 主要零件设计与参数计算 12
4.1 传动比分配 12
4.1.1 各级运动参数 12
4.2 设计减速器第一级斜齿轮传动 13
4.2.1 选定齿轮类型、精度等级、材料及齿数 13
4.2.2 按齿面接触强度设计 13
4.2.3 按齿根弯曲强度设计计算 15
4.2.4 几何尺寸计算 17
4.3 蜗轮蜗杆的设计 17
4.3.1 选用蜗杆传动类型 18
4.3.2 选用蜗轮蜗杆材料 18
4.3.3 按齿面接触疲劳强度进行设计 18
4.3.4 蜗轮蜗杆的主要尺寸参数 19
4.3.5 校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度 20
4.4 确定传动系统轴的最小直径和主要轴的受力分析 20
4.4.1 减速器输入轴的最小直径和受力分析 20
4.4.2 计算减速器中间轴的最小直径 21
4.4.3 减速器输出轴的最小直径和受力分析 21
4.4.4 车轮轴的尺寸的确定 22
4.5 轴的校核 22
4.5.1 减速器输出轴的校核 22
4.5.2 车轮轴的校核 25
4.6 联轴器的选择 27
4.6.1 选择减速器输出端与车轮轴之间的联轴器 27
4.6.2 选择电动机与减速器之间的联轴器 28
4.7 键的尺寸确定及校核 28
4.7.1 减速器输出轴上键的尺寸的确定 28
4.7.2 车轮与车轴承之间键的尺寸与校核 29
4.7.3 蜗轮与蜗轮轴之间的键的选择与校核 30
4.8 选择轴承并校核其寿命 30
4.8.1 减速器轴承的选择与轴承寿命校核 30
4.8.2 选择车轮轴上的轴承并校核 34
4.9 车轮的校核 36
4.10 车轮的打滑校核 37
4.11 钢卷运输车升降机构液压缸的选择 38
5 润滑方式的选择 39
5.1 轴承润滑方式的选择 39
5.2 减速器润滑方式的选择 39
6 钢卷运输车经济与环保分析 40
6.1 环保分析 40
6.2 经济性分析 40
6.2.1 投资回收期的计算 41
6.2.2 设备合理的更新期的计算 41
结束语 43
致谢 44
参考文献 45