

分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布



At present, electronic system is developing toward the complication of structure, highly integrated. Equipment control section usually contain complex electronic systems, more and more electronic equipment is widely used in aviation, satellite and other high-tech, and electronic systems are highly susceptible to the interference of electromagnetic environment, and damaged in bad electromagnetic environment.  Therefore, the research on self-healing of electronic system fault has the vital significance to the development of modern science and technology.
This paper first briefly reviews the development of the self-healing research process and the latest progress in the area, and introduces the characteristics and classification of electronic system, and electronic system failure cause and process were analyzed. FPGA is expounded in detail, and on this basis, the paper introduces the theory and application of FPGA dynamic reconfiguration technology, at the same time, prospects the development prospect of dynamic reconfigurable FPGA technology. Reconfiguration system based on FPGA is self-adaptive and self-repairing, and plays an important role in space applications. The taxonomy for FPGA reconfiguration and dynamic reconfiguration technology is introduced in this paper. Then discuss the principle of evolvable hardware and applications. EHW realizes the function of circuit by means of evolution. EHW can be viewed as the combination between evolutionary algorithm and programmable logic device. EHW can realize self-reconfiguration through evolutionary algorithm to enable the system to be adaptive, self-organizing and self-repairing. Based on the characteristics, Summarizes two ways of self-healing, one is analysis and simulation of self-repaired control method, and the other is the method of electronic system part self-repairing, and propose the development prospects of electronic system self-repairing technology as well.

Keywords:electronic system, FPGA, reconfiguration technology, EHW, self-repairing

1  绪论 1
1.1  电子系统故障自修复的发展史 1
1.2  电子系统故障自修复的研究意义及现状 2
2  电子系统故障自修复的基础理论 3
2.1  电子系统的基本理论 3
2.1.1  概述 3
2.1.2  电子系统的应用特点及分类 4
2.2  电子系统故障原因分析 5
2.3  FPGA的介绍 5
2.3.1  FPGA的功能特性 5
2.3.2  FPGA的应用及研究现状 6
2.4  可重构技术研究 6
2.4.1  可重构技术概述 6
2.4.2  基于FPGA的局部动态可重构技术 8
2.5  演化硬件 10
2.5.1  演化硬件的原理分析 10
2.5.2  演化硬件的应用实例及研究现状 12
3  电子系统故障自修复原理及方法分析 14
3.1  电子系统故障自修复原理 14
3.2  电子系统局部自修复研究 15
3.2.1  胚胎电子系统 15
3.2.2  局部“自修复”电子系统体系结构 15
3.2.3  FPGA内部构建及“自修复”方法 16
3.3  非线性自修复控制方法及研究 17
3.3.1  非线性自修复控制方法 18
3.3.2  一种模型参考自修复控制方法 18
4  结论和展望 19
4.1  结论 19
4.2  展望 19
参考文献 21
致  谢 23