关中地区婚嫁距离的影响因素分析,—以宝鸡市东堡村为例目录摘要iabstractii1 引言12 研究区概况13 数据来源与研究方法24 距离变化的现象分析25 婚嫁距离的影响因素分析45.1关中地区自古以来的优越性45.2经济发展方式改变使职业多样化影响婚嫁距离45.3受教育程度与婚嫁距离55.4交通方式对婚嫁距离的影响...
此文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布关中地区婚嫁距离的影响因素分析
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 引言 1
2 研究区概况 1
3 数据来源与研究方法 2
4 距离变化的现象分析 2
5 婚嫁距离的影响因素分析 4
5.1关中地区自古以来的优越性 4
5.2经济发展方式改变使职业多样化影响婚嫁距离 4
5.3受教育程度与婚嫁距离 5
5.4交通方式对婚嫁距离的影响 5
5.5父母的意愿与本人的期望 6
5.6媒妁之言的影响 7
6 结语 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8
宝鸡文理学院本科毕业论文(设计)开题报告 9
宝鸡文理学院本科毕业论文(设计)结题报告 10
宝鸡文理学院本科毕业论文(设计)答题报告 11
摘要:婚嫁距离是指缔结婚姻者双方的居住地之间的空间距离与范围, 它能从一个侧面反映人的流动能力和社会地位, 也是分析社会结构、测量现代化水平的一个重要指标。为了对现阶段农村的婚嫁距离及婚嫁圈有全面而具体的认识,笔者对陕西省宝鸡市东堡村132位20岁以上已婚妇女的婚嫁距离进行问卷调查与访谈。调查显示,婚嫁距离随时间变化逐渐增大的趋势,以15岁间隔为分组依据,20-35岁之间婚嫁平均距离是22.1km,36-50岁间的婚嫁平均距离是9.45km,51-65岁间的婚嫁平均距离是4.1km,66岁以上的婚嫁平均距离是2.3km。影响婚嫁距离的主要因素有妇女的受教育程度、从事非农业职业的比例、年收入、回娘家的交通方式,父母的意愿以及个人的期望值等。婚嫁距离与受教育程度、从事非农业职业的比例、家庭的年收入等呈正相关;婚嫁距离随着交通方式由步行向机动车变化而增加。婚嫁距离还与父母及个人的意愿和社会保障制度完善程度有密切联系。
关键字:婚嫁距离 婚嫁圈 关中地区
The analysis on influence factors of marriage distance in Guan Hong area -Take Baoji Dongbao Village as an example
Abstract: The distance between the two sides of marriage is marriage the residence space distance and range, it can reflect the flow capacity and social status from one side, is also an important index of the structure analysis, measurement of social modernization. A comprehensive and detailed understanding to the present rural marriage distance and wedding ring, questionnaire survey and interviews to the East Village in Baoji city of Shaanxi province in 132 over the age of 20 married women's marriage distance. Investigation shows, marriage distance changes with time gradually increased, to 15 years interval of packet basis, between 20-35 years old, average distance is 22.1km, the average distance between 36-50 years of marriage is 9.45km, the average distance between 51-65 years of marriage is 4.1km, the average distance of marriage are above the age of 66 2.3km. The main factors affecting the transportation distance of women, marriage is the education Engaged in non-agricultural occupation, income, return home, parents' wishes and expectations. Positive marriage distance and level of education, the proportion of non-agricultural occupation, family income and other related; marriage distance increases with the traffic mode changes from walking to the motor vehicle. Marriage distance and willingness to parents and personal and social security system is closely related to the degree of.
Key words: Marriage distance Marriage ring Guan Hong region