中小企业培训流于形式的原因及对策浅析,目 录中文摘要Ⅰ英文摘要ii一 前言1二 我国中小企业及员工培训概况2(一)中小企业的概念2(二)员工培训的概念3(三)中小企业在我国国民经济中的地位和作用4(四)中小企业员工培训的必要性4三 我国中小企业员工培训的现状5(一)认识存在误区5(二)人才缺乏仍是制约企业发展的瓶颈5(三...

此文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布中小企业培训流于形式的原因及对策浅析
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 II
一 前言 1
二 我国中小企业及员工培训概况 2
(一)中小企业的概念 2
(二)员工培训的概念 3
(三)中小企业在我国国民经济中的地位和作用 4
(四)中小企业员工培训的必要性 4
三 我国中小企业员工培训的现状 5
(一)认识存在误区 5
(二)人才缺乏仍是制约企业发展的瓶颈 5
(三)人才流动性过大 6
(四)培训方式缺乏创新 6
四 我国中小企业员工培训中存在的问题 6
(一)培训资金投入不足 7
(二)中小企业不注重培训的需求分析 7
(三)中小企业人力资源管理者自身素质低下 7
(四)培训方式、内容单一 9
(五)培训效果转化率低 9
五 解决中小企业员工培训问题的对策 10
(一)加强对人力资源管理专业人员的培养 10
(二)中小企业应加强培训经费的投入 10
(三)制定有效的培训计划 10
(四)采用有效的培训方法以提高培训的灵活性 11
(五)建立科学的培训评估体系 11
六 结论 12
参考文献 13
致谢 15
摘 要 :企业的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争。只有拥有适合企业发展需要的人才,企业才可能在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。中小企业在推动国民经济持续快速发展、缓解就业压力、促进市场繁荣和社会稳定等方面都发挥着极其重要的作用。从1998年开始,我国提出了大力扶持中小企业发展的方针,各级政府都将促进中小企业发展作为其经济工作的一个重点。由于我国发展社会主义市场经济时间不长,中小企业成长的历史比较短,加之缺乏员工培训方面的传统和相关法律,中小企业员工培训问题已成为制约其健康发展的一个重要障碍,若不能有效地解决这些问题,必将直接影响中小企业的生存和发展。特别是在当前新经济和经济可持续发展的要求以及经济全球化的形势下,研究我国中小企业员工培训问题有着格外重要的意义。
Issues on SME Staff Training
Abstract:The competition of enterprises is the H.R. competition in the final analysis. Only suited to the business development needs of talent, the enterprise may be in an invincible position in the furious market competition. The middle and small-size enterprises play a very important role in promoting sustainable and rapid development of national economy, easing employment pressure, boosting market prosperity and social stability. Our county has set up the policy of supporting the development of the middle and small-size enterprise since 1998.Boosting the development of the middle and small-size enterprise became one of the key economic works of the local government. Employee training has already become a bottleneck of healthy development of the middle and small-size enterprise due to lacking of experience of developing market economy of socialism and middle and small-size enterprises, old employee training conception and poor lawful environment. The employee training must impact the living and development of middle and small-size enterprise if it could not be resolved successfully. Studying employee training of middle and small-size enterprise is very important especially under the condition of new economy, sustainable development and globalization of the economy.
This thesis explore the middle and small-size enterprise m\employee training related issues based on employee training theory and making on-site investigation of existing status of the middle and small-size enterprise training by myself. In order to resolve these issues we must reposition systematically employee training in enterprise management, build up harmonious employee training environment, perfect employee training system, use system to resist all kinds of risks of employee training at the same time. I believe the study of this thesis can help providing high reference value of theory and practice through above-mentioned study with typical cases and supplemental materials.
Keywords:Middle and Small-size Enterprise;Employee Training;Issues; Countermeasure