校园二手信息市场交易网站,摘 要 当第一台计算机问世,当科技的脚步日益坚实,当互联网这个大家庭把我们编织在一起,我们生活开始变了。将科学和生活紧密联系在一起,才能相互促进,社会繁荣,人民幸福。我们大学生在生活中,我们为了找到廉价的二手宝贝,留意过宿舍楼下,餐厅,公告栏,楼道,这些消息有时未广而告之,就以影响校园环境罪名夭折,无疑是一种隐形的损失...

此文档由会员 mrm小莫 发布 摘 要
关键词:SQL2005 ;校园二手;JSP ;B/S
Campus secondary market trading information website
When the first computer was made,when the steps of science and technology is becoming more and more solid,when the Internet ,this big family,weaves us together,Our life has changed.Togethering science and life closely can promote social prosperity, people's happiness.We ,college students, we always find the cheap second-hand baby in the life,notice dormitory buildings, restaurants, bulletin boards, corridors, these messages are sometimes not broadcast and are undoubtedly a kind of. invisible losses.For ourselves, some used, but still new things, but idle,.We suffer from news spreading widely, idle things are really hardly used.On the other hand, the arrival of the graduation season in June, the students woke early , oneself tired, in a piece of second-hand goods, we find it difficult to find your need,and the price is right. Small ads flying everywhere, booths no order,school environment, the order have been affected.The purpose of establishing this website is to make the campus an electronic platform.Without the fatigue of the body,we gently enjoy the convenience of science and technology. the campus is known. Don't worry about idle items, and people in need, also can enjoy convenient anytime and anywhere.
In this paper, we focus on the comprehensive analysis of the campus second-hand market, analysis module, and make sure the data processing module is a logical, reasonable and meaningful. With reference to previous instances of the database information system, contrast the characteristics of various software, the ease of operation, good software MyEclipse finally has been hammered out. Combined with the own level, we select the JSP development technology. According to the size of the project, we select the sql2005.
Keywords: SQL2005 campus second-hand; JSP;B/S
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 概述 1
1.1 项目研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的及意义 1
1.3国内外发展现状 1
1.3.1国外研究现状 1
1.3.2国内研究现状 2
1.4 开发软件介绍 2
1.4.1 JSP技术 2
1.4.2 SQL2005数据库 2
1.4.3 MyEclipse 3
2 系统需求分析 4
2.1可行性分析 4
2.1.1经济上的可行性 4
2.1.2技术上的可行性 4
2.1.3操作上的可行性 4
2.2开发结构分析 4
2.3功能需求分析 5
2.4 数据流图 5
2.5 业务流程分析 6
2.6 数据字典 7
3系统总体设计 9
3.1系统功能结描述 9
3.2系统功能结构图 9
3.3系统目标 10
3.4系统性能需求 11
3.5系统的软硬件平台 12
4 数据库设计 13
4.1数据库概念结构设计 13
4.2数据库逻辑结构设计 14
5 系统详细设计 18
5.1主界面模块设计 18
5.2用户注册模块设计 19
5.3 出售信息模块设计 19
5.4 订购二手模块设计 20
5.5二手信息发布模块设计 20
5.6 校园BBS模块模块设计 21
5.7后台登录模块设计 21
5.7.1后台登录模块设计 21
5.7.2 校园新闻模块设计 22
5.7.3 订单管理模块设计 22
6系统测试 24
6.1 测试的任务及目标 24
6.1.1测试的任务 24
6.1.2测试的目标 24
6.2测试方案 24
6.2.1模块测试 24
6.2.2集成测试 25
6.2.3验收测试 25
6.2.4平行运行 25
结 论 26
参考文献 27
致 谢 28