商号权的《商标法》保护, 摘要:随着市场经济的迅速发展,商号在彰显商事主体地位的过程中发挥着积极的作用,显现出越来越重要的社会价值和经济价值。相应的,商号被假冒、盗用侵权的问题日益突出,商号权的纠纷呈蔓延之势,反映出了我国商号权保护的不足和缺陷,提出了加强我国企业商号权保护的迫切需求。商号权被国际社会普遍认为是一项重要的...

此文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布商号权的《商标法》保护
Trade Name Right Protection on the Trademark Law
Abstract: With the rapid development of market economy, trade name in light of the commercial subject status in the process of playing the positive role, it appears more and more important social value and economic value. Accordingly, trade name is fake, appropriation tort problem is increasingly outstanding, trade name right disputes is also spreading, which reflects the protection of trade names in China 's shortcomings and deficiencies, proposed strengthened our country enterprise name right protection is an urgent demand. Trade name right by the international community is generally considered to be an important intellectual property rights and protection. But in our country the name and definition of the right of business name property law cannot agree, the trade name right protection only to protect the name right of enterprises. This article tries from the trade name right of intellectual property right proceed with, through the protection of trade names in China and analysis of the current foreign trade name right legislation practice comparative study on optimal protection suggestions, so as to perfect the legislation to protect the right of business name.
Keywords: Trade name; Trade name right; Intellectual property rights; Legislative protection
Classification: D923.4.
目 次
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
目次 Ⅲ
1引言 1
2商号权的权属分析和定位 2
3我国商号权立法保护现状及存在缺陷 4
3.1我国商号权立法保护现状 4
3.2我国商号权立法保护存在缺陷 5
3.2.1性质定义模糊,法律地位不明确 5
3.2.2立法层次低,保护过于分散 5
4将商号权纳入《商标法》保护的必要性 6
4.1商号权性质宜定位知识产权 6
4.1.1商号权的性质特征符合知识产权 6
4.1.2国际社会对商号权性质的普遍认定 7
4.2商号权与商标权的相似 8
4.2.1商号权与商标权的特征相似 8
4.2.2商号权用《商标法》保护的优点 8
5将商号权纳入《商标法》保护的可行性 10
5.1《商标法》本身对于商号权的可容纳性 10
5.2国外对于商号权纳入《商标法》保护的实践 10
6将商号权纳入《商标法》保护的范畴 12
6.1确立商号权的知识产权性质,划入知识产权范围保护 12
6.2修订《商标法》,将其纳入《商标法》保护 12
6.2.1增加“商号权”的内容,与“商标权”保护同重 12
6.2.2另独立增“商号权”的保护条文 13
7结语 14
参考文献 15
作者简历 16
学位论文数据集 17