中小企业出口策略研究,全文14页10812字叙述详尽专业:国际经济与贸易专业学号:姓名:院系: 指导老师:摘要随着全球经济一体化的发展,中小企业在国际贸易和世界市场中的重要性将伴随商品、货币、技术、劳务以及管理技巧的国际流动性的扩大而与日俱增。就出口而言,遍布国内城乡的各种所有制中小企业,尤其是广大乡镇企业积极拓展产品的...

此文档由会员 周伯通 发布
全文14页10812字 叙述详尽
摘 要
关键词:中小企业 出口策略 国际竞争力
Along with the development of economy globalization, the significance of Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) in international trade and world market has increasing steadily, go with the international fluidity of commodities, currency, technology, workers and managing skills. Various proprietorship SMEs spread all over the nation energetically advanced the products direct export and offered middle products to big enterprises for indirect export, especially a great deal of township and village enterprises. Compared with the state sector, the non-state sector is primarily composed of SMEs engaged in labor intensive lower-value-added activities. The domestic private sector has insufficient access to financial resources to make the large-scale investments required to become established in capital-intensive industries. These export manufactures not only involving the traditional labor-intensive products such as textile, costume, leather, toies, but also extended to export of some high technology productions.
Since China entered WTO, SMEs gained more capacious developing spaces. But their weakness in face of fall short of persons with ability, capital pinch, infirmness in research and development ability would be emerged among the increasingly furious world market competition. Therefore, to upgrade our SMEs’s international competition has on time to delay.
It should be to do these on following aspects: one way is to creating more suitable macro-environments for SMEs development (including trade policies supporting, financing issues researching, auspice on information resources); the other way is SMEs improve self-diathesis and competition ability radically (including the training of talents, construction of marketing channels, export market researching etc.).
This thesis is an attempt to estimate the role of SMEs in China’s foreign trade and to explore the way to promote the export of SMEs form the macro-environment section and the micro-environment section.
Keywords: Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs),Strategy of exports,
International competition
前 言
经过20世纪80~90年代经济体制改革与经济发展的洗礼,中小企业已成为我国国民经济的重要组成部分。截至2001年底,我国共有中小企业2930万家,约占我国企业总数的99.5%,从业人员高达1.74亿人。中小企业创造的最终产品和服务的价值占我国GDP的50.5%;中小企业提供的产品、技术和服务出口约占我国出口总值的60%;中小企业的工业总产值和实现利税分别占全国总数的60%和40% 。由此可见,中小企业已成为我国经济发展的主力军。
[1].叶远西 .中小企业创新 国内外中小企业创新的实践、启示与借鉴 .
广东经济出版社 . 2003
[2].林汉川主编 .中国中小企业存在与发展 . 商务印书馆 . 2003
[3].李时民 . 中小企业出口问题研究 . 光明日报出版社 . 2003
[4].尹柳营主编 . 中小企业如何发展与腾飞——国际化经营视角 .
清华大学出版社 . 2003
[5].迈克尔•波特 . 国家竞争优势 . 华夏出版社 . 2002
[6].Harvie, Charles . Globalisation and SMEs in East Asia .
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, UK . 2002
[7].Remesh Adhikari, Prema-chandra Athukorala . Developing Countries In The World Trading System . Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, UK . 2002
全文14页10812字 叙述详尽
摘 要
关键词:中小企业 出口策略 国际竞争力
Along with the development of economy globalization, the significance of Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) in international trade and world market has increasing steadily, go with the international fluidity of commodities, currency, technology, workers and managing skills. Various proprietorship SMEs spread all over the nation energetically advanced the products direct export and offered middle products to big enterprises for indirect export, especially a great deal of township and village enterprises. Compared with the state sector, the non-state sector is primarily composed of SMEs engaged in labor intensive lower-value-added activities. The domestic private sector has insufficient access to financial resources to make the large-scale investments required to become established in capital-intensive industries. These export manufactures not only involving the traditional labor-intensive products such as textile, costume, leather, toies, but also extended to export of some high technology productions.
Since China entered WTO, SMEs gained more capacious developing spaces. But their weakness in face of fall short of persons with ability, capital pinch, infirmness in research and development ability would be emerged among the increasingly furious world market competition. Therefore, to upgrade our SMEs’s international competition has on time to delay.
It should be to do these on following aspects: one way is to creating more suitable macro-environments for SMEs development (including trade policies supporting, financing issues researching, auspice on information resources); the other way is SMEs improve self-diathesis and competition ability radically (including the training of talents, construction of marketing channels, export market researching etc.).
This thesis is an attempt to estimate the role of SMEs in China’s foreign trade and to explore the way to promote the export of SMEs form the macro-environment section and the micro-environment section.
Keywords: Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs),Strategy of exports,
International competition
前 言
经过20世纪80~90年代经济体制改革与经济发展的洗礼,中小企业已成为我国国民经济的重要组成部分。截至2001年底,我国共有中小企业2930万家,约占我国企业总数的99.5%,从业人员高达1.74亿人。中小企业创造的最终产品和服务的价值占我国GDP的50.5%;中小企业提供的产品、技术和服务出口约占我国出口总值的60%;中小企业的工业总产值和实现利税分别占全国总数的60%和40% 。由此可见,中小企业已成为我国经济发展的主力军。
[1].叶远西 .中小企业创新 国内外中小企业创新的实践、启示与借鉴 .
广东经济出版社 . 2003
[2].林汉川主编 .中国中小企业存在与发展 . 商务印书馆 . 2003
[3].李时民 . 中小企业出口问题研究 . 光明日报出版社 . 2003
[4].尹柳营主编 . 中小企业如何发展与腾飞——国际化经营视角 .
清华大学出版社 . 2003
[5].迈克尔•波特 . 国家竞争优势 . 华夏出版社 . 2002
[6].Harvie, Charles . Globalisation and SMEs in East Asia .
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, UK . 2002
[7].Remesh Adhikari, Prema-chandra Athukorala . Developing Countries In The World Trading System . Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, UK . 2002