探讨并发急性心力衰竭的剖宫产术后病人的治疗与预防,临床医学毕业论文摘要 目的 针对孕足月的产妇,在经产道分娩有难产因素或其他因素时,选择行子宫下段剖宫产的患者,进行探讨术后并发急性心衰的原因、治疗及预防。方法 对10例剖宫产后并发急性心衰的临床病例。进行回顾性分析。结果 剖宫产后并发急性心衰的10例中,8例妊高征心脏病,...
此文档由会员 leening8023 发布临床医学毕业论文
摘要 目的 针对孕足月的产妇,在经产道分娩有难产因素或其他因素时,选择行子宫下段剖宫产的患者,进行探讨术后并发急性心衰的原因、治疗及预防。方法 对10例剖宫产后并发急性心衰的临床病例。进行回顾性分析。结果 剖宫产后并发急性心衰的10例中,8例妊高征心脏病,占80%,2例围生期心肌病,占20%。10例中均有不同程度的低蛋白血症和轻度贫血,输液量每天在2000~3100ml。结论 剖宫产后并发急性心衰的主要原因是妊高征心脏病、过量的输液,在预防上有重要意义。合理治疗,疗效满意。
To investigate the treatment and prevention of Post Cesarean section patients complicated with acute heart failure.
Abstract: objective to full-term parturient with vaginal delivery, dystocia factor or other factors, choose cesarean section patients, discusses the causes, treatment and prevention of acute heart failure after operation. Methods the clinical records of 10 cases of cesarean section in patients with acute heart failure. Retrospective analysis. Results of 10 cases of cesarean section in patients with acute heart failure, 8 cases of pregnancy induced hypertension heart disease, accounting for 80%, 2 cases of peripartum cardiomyopathy, accounted for 20%. In all 10 cases of hypoalbuminemia in different degree and mild anemia, transfusion quantity every day in the 2000 ~ 3100ml. Conclusion the main causes of cesarean patients with acute heart failure is the infusion of heart disease, an excess of PIH, has the vital significance in the prevention. Reasonable treatment, curative effect satisfaction.
Keywords: the cesarean section complicated with acute heart failure; prevention; treatment