

2bog压缩机在液化石油气基地的应用,2bog压缩机在液化石油气基地的应用内 容 提 要石油管道工程是一项高投入、高风险的系统工程,包括管道线路工程、站库工程和管道附属工程。站库工程是沿管道线路建设站库的工程。站库按管道输送的介质和作用分为输油站和输气站。各种站库工程各有其特点,但一般站库工程包括管道动力系统工程,监控系统工程,通信系统工程,水源和给排水系...
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石油管道工程是一项高投入、高风险的系统工程,包括管道线路工程、站库工程和管道附属工程。站库工程是沿管道线路建设站库的工程。站库按管道输送的介质和作用分为输油站和输气站。各种站库工程各有其特点,但一般站库工程包括管道动力系统工程,监控系统工程,通信系统工程,水源和给排水系统工程,消防系统工程,油气储存、加压、加热、计量、 收发装卸、工艺辅助等系统的工艺系统工程。目前国内部分内陆油田如大庆油田、胜利油田、华北油田、辽河油田等已经广泛的应用BOG压缩机技术在液化石油气基地的应用。本文是介绍在液化石油气基地用压缩机处理蒸发气时的工艺流程、压缩机容量的调节、辅助设备的自动控制以及压缩机的报警和连锁保护控制系统。

关键词:压缩机 压力 温度 


The petroleum piping engineering is the system engineering of a high devotion, high risk and include piping circuit engineering, station database engineering and the piping subsidiary engineering.Station database engineering is follow piping circuit construction station database of engineering.Station database press the piping transport of lie quality and function to lose the oil station at is divided into and lose spirit station.Various station the database engineering be each to have it the characteristics, but general station the database engineering include the system engineering of the piping motive, supervision system engineering, correspondence system engineering, headwaters with give catchment system engineering, fire fight system engineering, oil spirit storage, add to press, heat, calculate, receive and dispatch to pack to unload, craft assistance etc. the craft system of the system engineering.The domestic parts of inland oil-field is like Ta-ching oil-field, victory oil-field currently, north China oil-field, Liao river oil-field...etc. already extensive of application the BOG compressor's technique is in the liquefied petroleum gas base of application.This text is introduction when the liquefied petroleum gas base use compressor processing to evaporate spirit of regulate of craft process, compressor capacity, assistance equipments of auto report to the police of control and compressor and catena protection control system.

Key words:  Compressor  Pressure  Temperature

