

股票市场对上市公司流通股本规模及结构的反应, 8000多字9页〖摘要〗我国上市公司具有独特的股权流通性结构:非流通的国有股和法人股占绝对控股地位。这种特性影响股票价格。本文构造了一个计量模型,以1997-1999年期间在沪深股票市场上市的389家公司为样本,分析a股市场股价与上市公司流通股本规模和比例等的相关性。主要计量...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 水中的鱼 发布

8000多字 9页


〖Abstract〗China listed companies have a characteristic structure of equity ownership , which non-circulating equity ownership owned by state and companies have the large fraction. It effects stock price. We develop a model to analysis A share stock market's responding to the volume and structure of circulating equity ownership. Our analysis is based on the data of 389 IPOs listed at shanghai and shenzhen stock markets during 1997-1999. We find a significant positive relation between stock price and two factors of EPS and PE ratio; Stock price has very significant negative relation to the volume of circulating common stocks. The structure of circulating common stock has a negative effect on stock price. We also find no positive significant relation between stock price and the first controlling non-circulating shareholder. The results provide useful information to circulate non-circulating equity ownership.

Key Words:Stock Market , Listed Companies, the Volume of Circulating Common Stocks, the Structure of Circulating Common Stocks

[3] 孙永祥 黄祖辉,“上市公司的股权结构与绩效”,《经济研究》1999年第12期
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