sw160列车轴箱体加工工艺规程制订及夹具设计,sw160列车轴箱体加工工艺规程制订及夹具设计包括开题报告,任务书,毕业论文,夹具图、毛配图、零件图等7张完整cad图纸,其中论文2.3万字,40页 摘要本文介绍了sw160转向架定位转臂机械加工工艺、夹具设计。机械加工工艺、夹具与数控程序设计是机械制造及其自动化专业学习的一个重要内容,也是我全面综合运用本课程及其有关...

原文档由会员 aa706983616 发布

This article introduced the bogie localization Rotatting the arm machine-finishing craft, the jig and the numerical controlprogramming. The machine-finishing craft, the jig and the numericalcontrol programming is the machine manufacture and its an automatedspecialized study important content, also is I comprehensivelysynthesizes utilizes this curriculum and its the related curriculumtheory and the practice knowledge carries on the processing craft anda jig structural design important practice.
The localization Rotatting the arm is in the subway car truck part one of mostimportant components, its contour complex, the shape precision, thesize precision and the position precision request quite is all high,and mutually between relates also intriguingly. This work piecesemifinished materials use the precision casting to become, for theenhancement processing precision, reduces the working procedure whichthe attire clamps many times brings the accumulated error, hoped usesthe working procedure centralism in the horizontal-type processingcenter the way processing.
Keyword: Bogie localization Rotatting the arm; Machine-finishing craft; Jig;
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的目的和意义 2
1.2 本课题相关领域的现状 4
1.3 本课题相关领域的发展趋势 5
第二章 SW160转向架定位转臂方案分析 7
2.1 工艺方案 7
2.1.1 定位转臂主要加工要求 7
2.1.2 定位转臂的加工工艺过程 7
2.2 转向架定位转臂工艺计算: 10
2.2.1 零件机械加工工艺路线 10
2.2.2加工余量的确定方法 11
2.2.3工序尺寸及其公差计算 12
第三章 机械加工工艺设计 13
3.1 机械加工工艺规程设计 13
3.1.1 转向架定位转臂生产类型及其工艺特征 13
3.1.2零件表面加工方法的选择 13
3.1.3 转向架定位转臂机械加工工艺规程制定 14
3.2 转向架定位转臂零件的结构工艺性 15
3.2.1 转向架定位转臂结构工艺性分析 16
3.2.2 转向架定位转臂加工中定位基准的选择 17
3.2.3 转向架定位转臂工艺路线 17
3.2.4 转向架定位转臂工序集中与工序分散 18
3.3工序设计 19
3.3.1选择加工设备 19
3.3.2夹具的选择 22
3.3.3刀具的选择 22
3.4 工艺定位精度分析与计算 23
3.4.1 工序2切削用量及基本时间的确定 23
3.4.2 工序3切削用量及基本时间的确定 23
3.4.3 工序4切削用量及基本时间的确定 24
3.4.4 工序5切削用量及基本时间的确定 25
3.5 夹紧力的分析与计算 25
3.5.1 第一次安装时夹紧力 25
3.5.2 第二次安装时夹紧力 26
第四章 转向架定位转臂夹具设计 28
4.1定位方案 28
4.2夹紧方案 28
4.3对刀装置 28
4.4夹具体与机床的连接 29
4.5夹具体 29
4.6结构特点 29
第五章 总论与收获 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 33
23、 哈尔滨工业大学,上海工业大学主编. 机械加工工艺规程的制定及装配尺寸链. 上海:上海科学技术出版社
24、〔俄〕я.д. 柯里凯尔著. 零件机械加工精度的数学分析. 祝玉光译. 北京:机械工业出版社
25、 杜裴,黄乃康. 计算机辅助工艺过程设计原理. 北京:北京航天航空大学出版社
26、D.Lutter, et.al. Computer aided process planning for sheet metal based on information management[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2000,103:120-127
27、M. K. Tiwari ,et.al. A Case-Based Computer-Aided Process-Planning System for Machining Prismatic Components. International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2001,17:400–411.
28、X. N. Chu,et.al. A Novel Methodology for Computer-Aided Process Planning. International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2000 ,16:714–719
29、D. Lutters ,et.al. Computer aided process planning for sheet metal based on information management. Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 2000, 103:120-127
30、Faruk Cay , et.al. An IT view on perspectives of computer aided process planning research[J]. Computers in Industry. 1997,34:304-337

This article introduced the bogie localization Rotatting the arm machine-finishing craft, the jig and the numerical controlprogramming. The machine-finishing craft, the jig and the numericalcontrol programming is the machine manufacture and its an automatedspecialized study important content, also is I comprehensivelysynthesizes utilizes this curriculum and its the related curriculumtheory and the practice knowledge carries on the processing craft anda jig structural design important practice.
The localization Rotatting the arm is in the subway car truck part one of mostimportant components, its contour complex, the shape precision, thesize precision and the position precision request quite is all high,and mutually between relates also intriguingly. This work piecesemifinished materials use the precision casting to become, for theenhancement processing precision, reduces the working procedure whichthe attire clamps many times brings the accumulated error, hoped usesthe working procedure centralism in the horizontal-type processingcenter the way processing.
Keyword: Bogie localization Rotatting the arm; Machine-finishing craft; Jig;
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的目的和意义 2
1.2 本课题相关领域的现状 4
1.3 本课题相关领域的发展趋势 5
第二章 SW160转向架定位转臂方案分析 7
2.1 工艺方案 7
2.1.1 定位转臂主要加工要求 7
2.1.2 定位转臂的加工工艺过程 7
2.2 转向架定位转臂工艺计算: 10
2.2.1 零件机械加工工艺路线 10
2.2.2加工余量的确定方法 11
2.2.3工序尺寸及其公差计算 12
第三章 机械加工工艺设计 13
3.1 机械加工工艺规程设计 13
3.1.1 转向架定位转臂生产类型及其工艺特征 13
3.1.2零件表面加工方法的选择 13
3.1.3 转向架定位转臂机械加工工艺规程制定 14
3.2 转向架定位转臂零件的结构工艺性 15
3.2.1 转向架定位转臂结构工艺性分析 16
3.2.2 转向架定位转臂加工中定位基准的选择 17
3.2.3 转向架定位转臂工艺路线 17
3.2.4 转向架定位转臂工序集中与工序分散 18
3.3工序设计 19
3.3.1选择加工设备 19
3.3.2夹具的选择 22
3.3.3刀具的选择 22
3.4 工艺定位精度分析与计算 23
3.4.1 工序2切削用量及基本时间的确定 23
3.4.2 工序3切削用量及基本时间的确定 23
3.4.3 工序4切削用量及基本时间的确定 24
3.4.4 工序5切削用量及基本时间的确定 25
3.5 夹紧力的分析与计算 25
3.5.1 第一次安装时夹紧力 25
3.5.2 第二次安装时夹紧力 26
第四章 转向架定位转臂夹具设计 28
4.1定位方案 28
4.2夹紧方案 28
4.3对刀装置 28
4.4夹具体与机床的连接 29
4.5夹具体 29
4.6结构特点 29
第五章 总论与收获 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 33
23、 哈尔滨工业大学,上海工业大学主编. 机械加工工艺规程的制定及装配尺寸链. 上海:上海科学技术出版社
24、〔俄〕я.д. 柯里凯尔著. 零件机械加工精度的数学分析. 祝玉光译. 北京:机械工业出版社
25、 杜裴,黄乃康. 计算机辅助工艺过程设计原理. 北京:北京航天航空大学出版社
26、D.Lutter, et.al. Computer aided process planning for sheet metal based on information management[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2000,103:120-127
27、M. K. Tiwari ,et.al. A Case-Based Computer-Aided Process-Planning System for Machining Prismatic Components. International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2001,17:400–411.
28、X. N. Chu,et.al. A Novel Methodology for Computer-Aided Process Planning. International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2000 ,16:714–719
29、D. Lutters ,et.al. Computer aided process planning for sheet metal based on information management. Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 2000, 103:120-127
30、Faruk Cay , et.al. An IT view on perspectives of computer aided process planning research[J]. Computers in Industry. 1997,34:304-337