

农业大棚温湿度监控系统监控系统设计,摘 要大棚技术在全国各个乡镇已经普及了,但是随着这些温室大棚的数量不断增加,对于大棚内的温度、湿度、光照强度和二氧化碳浓度的控制显得极其重要,特别是温湿度的监控。本课题设计了基于单片机的农业大棚温湿度监控系统,更好的对各个农业大棚内各个环境因素进行监控。本系统由三部分组成:第一部分的功...
分类: 论文>农业林业论文


此文档由会员 v9999 发布


摘   要



Greenhouse technology in various villages and towns has spread across the country, but with the growing number of greenhouses, for inside the greenhouse temperature, humidity, light intensity and co2 concentration control is extremely important, especially the temperature and humidity monitoring. This topic design agricultural greenhouse temperature and humidity monitoring system based on single chip microcomputer, the better to monitor various environmental factors within the agricultural greenhouses. 
This system consists of three parts: the first part of the function is responsible for monitoring the greenhouse in agricultural greenhouses, mainly have a microcontroller reads DT11 measured temperature and humidity, temperature and humidity sensor and the digital tube display. Function in the second part is responsible for the temperature and humidity will be faster from agriculture canopy to the administrator of the computer or other communications equipment, so that the administrator timely and accurately check the temperature and humidity inside the greenhouse, this part mainly through 485 communication bus transmission. The third part is the function of upper machine processing receive values of temperature and humidity, and judge whether the temperature and humidity value in a reasonable range of temperature and humidity, if more than the default value is immediately report to the police. 
Through many tests show that system has the function of each part is normal, each other is good, simple and convenient operation, greatly improve the scientific management level of the greenhouses, can reduce the workload of laborer, reduce expenditure, increase in the greenhouse production of products, increase the income of workers, improve the national production, has the very good development future.

Key words: single chip microcomputer, greenhouses, monitor, 485 communication bus, DHT11 temperature and humidity


摘   要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 农业大棚的特性 1
1.2 农业大棚温湿度监控技术的发展历程 2
1.3 农业大棚监控系统的构成 2
1.3.1 温度和湿度的测量 2
1.3.2 测量数据的传输 2
1.3.3 数据的集中显示和处理 3
第二章 微机控制的大棚监控系统概况 4
2.1系统功能与结构框图 4
2.2系统工作过程分析 5
第三章 系统的硬件设计 6
3.1 单片机简介和应用 6
3.2 DHT11的原理 7
3.2.1、传感器的信息 7
3.2.2、传感器性能说明 7
3.2.3、 接口说明 8
3.2.4、 电源引脚 8
3.3各种标准串行通信接口 8
3.3.1 RS-232的原理 8
3.3.2 RS-485的特点 9
3.3.3 RS-485的电压和电流的要求 9
3.3.4 RS-485的连接 9
3.3.5 系统串行接口标准选择 10
3.3.6 MAX1480的简介 11
3.4 LED数码管显示原理 11
第四章  系统的软件设计 14
4.1 上位机软件设计 14
4.2 下位机程序设计 16
4.2.1 主程序 16
4.2.2 DHT11的相关程序 18
4.2.3串行通信程序 21
第五章 系统调试 24
5.1 硬件调试 24
结  论 27
参考文献 28
致  谢 29