

单片机毕业设计:电子琴,摘 要随着社会的发展进步,音乐逐渐成为我们生活中很重要的一部分,有人曾说喜欢音乐的人不会向恶。我们都会抽空欣赏世界名曲,作为对精神的洗礼。本论文设计一个基于单片机的简易电子琴。我们对于电子琴如何实现其功能,如音色选择、自动放音功能等等也很好奇。电子琴是现代电子科技与音乐结合的产物,是一种新型的键盘...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文



原文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布


摘  要


With the development and progress of society, music has become an important part of life, it was said that people do not like the music to the evil. We will find time to enjoy the world music, as the baptism of the spirit. This thesis developed a simple microcontroller-based electronic key board.
Electronic organ is a modern electronic music technology and the product is a new type of keyboard instruments. It modern music played an important role in single chip is a powerful control functions and flexible programming characteristics, It has converged with modern people's lives, become an irreplaceable part. The main content is STC89C51 control of the core components, Design of an electronic organ, single chip as a host to the core, with the keyboard, speakers and other core modules main control module, in the main control module has 16 keys and speakers. Stability of the system, its advantages are simple hardware circuits, software functions, control system reliability, high cost performance and have certain practical and reference value.

Key words: STC89C51, electronic organ,led display

目 录
摘  要 1
目 录 3
第一章 绪论 3
1.1电子琴设计的背景及意义 3
1.2 电子琴设计的目标 3
1.3方案的比较和选择 5
第二章 硬件设计及说明 5
2.1系统组成及总体框图 5
2.2元件简介 6
2.2.1 STC89C51 6
2.2.2 9013 9
2.2.3 LED数码管 10
2.3 各功能模块原理图 11
2.3.1 STC89C51模块电路原理图 11
2.3.2键盘扫描模块电路原理图 12
2.3.3数码管显示模块电路原理图 12
2.3.4音频处理模块电路原理图 13
第三章 软件设计 13
3.1 音乐相关知识 13
3.2如何用单片机产生音频脉冲 13
3.3系统总体功能流程图 14
第四章 系统调试 14
4.1硬件调试 14
4.2 软件调试 15
第五章 课程设计总结以及心得体会 15
致  谢 16
参考文献 17
附录A  电路图 18
附录C  C语言源程序 20