论功能性与性能如何提高软件的质量,内 容 摘 要摘随着软件规模的不断扩大,软件设计的复杂程度不断提高,软件开发中出现错误或缺陷的机会越来越多。同时,市场对软件质量重要性的认识逐渐增强。所以,软件测试在软件项目实施过程中的重要性日益突出。软件功能性测试是软件质量保证的关键技术,在软件生命周期中占有重要的地位。理论上软件本身...

原文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布论功能性与性能如何提高软件的质量
内 容 摘 要
内 容 摘 要
[关键词] 功能性测试,功能性测试流程,功能性测试方法,性能测试,虚拟用户,负载测试,压力测试,事务,集合点
With the expansion of the scale of software, increasing the complexity of the software design, errors or defects in the software development more and more opportunities. At the same time, the market recognition of the importance of software quality gradually increased. So, the importance of software testing in software project implementation process is becoming more and more prominent.
Software functional testing is the key technology of software quality assurance, occupies an important position in the software life cycle. Software itself defects can be theoretically was exposed in functional testing phase, so the software functional testing method is to improve the software reliability and software quality as one of the most effective and most direct way.
Software performance is a strong point of competition in market competition, performance testing and optimization software for overall improve their performance, win the market share of the decisive factors. The main purpose of the performance test is to verify a software product allows concurrent access to many users, the performance indicators such as response time, CPU and memory usage rate is how much. In general the test cannot be made by hand, need the help of tools, such as LoadRunner, etc.
key words:functional testing,functional testing process,functional testing, performance testing,virtual users,load test,stress test,transaction,the collection point.
目 录
1.功能性测试概述 1
1.1功能性测试的优缺点 1
1.1.1功能性测试方法 1
1.1.2利用功能性测试方法可以发现软件中存在的问题 2
1.1.3功能性测试流程 2
2.性能测试研究 3
2.1性能测试概述 3
2.1.1 性能测试的目的 3
2.1.2 性能测试类型 3
2.1.3性能测试流程 4
2.2性能测试工具 4
2.2.1LoadRunner的组成 4
2.2.2LoadRunner测试流程 4
3.功能性测试的实践 5
3.1项目分析与规划测试 5
3.1.1项目概述 5
3.1.2项目分析 5
3.1.3规划测试 6
3.1.4编写测试案例与执行测试 6
3.2结合功能性测试案例进行性能测试 8
3.2.1功能概述 8
3.2.2性能测试准备 9
3.2.3设计压力应用思路 9
3.2.4经功能性测试实际运用分析 9
4.创建用户脚本 10
4.1.1完善测试脚本 10
4.1.2用参数化取代常量值 11
4.1.3集合点 11
4.1.3脚本检验 12
4.2方案执行 12
4.2.1场景创建 12
4.2.2加压计划 13
4.3运行结果 13
5.此项目的总结分析 14
注释 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17