温室温度自动控制系统设计,摘 要随着自动化水平的不断提高, 工业现场对温度的控制越来越高, 设计了一种适用于现代工业现场的实时高精度温度监控系统; 采用单片机c8051f020 和pc 机相结合, 具有数据采集、数据显示、数据通信及数据存储等功能, 通过rs485 总线和上位机相连,上位机可以通过软件对系统进行设置和控制...

原文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布温室温度自动控制系统设计
摘 要
摘 要
随着自动化水平的不断提高, 工业现场对温度的控制越来越高, 设计了一种适用于现代工业现场的实时高精度温度监控系统; 采用单片机C8051F020 和PC 机相结合, 具有数据采集、数据显示、数据通信及数据存储等功能, 通过RS485 总线和上位机相连,上位机可以通过软件对系统进行设置和控制, 系统同时通过液晶模块实时显示监测到的温度和万年历; 试验证明, 本系统具有一定的实时高精度性能, 有着很强的推广价值。该系统通过对温室内的温度、光照、空气湿度、土壤湿度等环境因子的采集,并根据上述参数实现对温室温度自动调节,控制温室环境适合农作物的生长,达到了温室大棚自动控制的目的。
关键词: 单片机;DS18B20;温室;自动控制;仿真
Design Of Greenhouse Temperature
Automatic Control System
With the continuous improvement of level of automation,industrial on-site control of increasing temperature, design of a modern industrial site for real-time high-precision temperature monitoring system;using C8051F020 micro controller and the PC, combined with data acquisition,data display,data communications anddata storage functions,through the LCD module to the real-time diaplay for monitoring temperature and calender;tests proved that this system has certain high-precision real-time performance,have a strong promotional value.The system of the greenhouse temperature,light,air humidity,soil moisture and other environmental factors in the acquisition,and in accordance with the above parameters to achieve right temperature,humidity,light automatic adjustment and control of greenhouse environment for crop growth,reached a greenhouse automatic control.
Temperature,humidity and control of greenhouse environment for crop growth, reached a greenhouse automatic control.Temperature,humidity and CO2 concentration affect the crop growth for effective environmental control for crop growth for the characteristics of solar greenhouse control system; describes the MCS-51 micro controller as the core of the greenhouse of the working principle of distributed control system and main functions;elaborated on the system software and hardware implementations.Modern industrial control systems,single-chip microcomputer as the core of the distributed data acquisition and monitoring system for its circuit structure is simple,the distributed control system,data communication,often several kilometers or more away from the traditional RS232 chip can not meet the requirements,and therefore applied to achieve long-distance communication RS485.In this paper,involving the control mechanism,system structure,distributed control and other issues were demonstrated.
Keywords: Communications network;DS18B20;Greenhouse;Automatic control
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
1前言 1
1.1 温室的起源与发展 1
1.2国内外的温室环境控制系统的研究现状 2
1.3温室测控装置的类型和发展方向 2
1.3.1目前常用的控制装置 3
1.3.2控制装置的发展趋势 5
1.4课题的提出和研究内容 6
1.4.1课题的提出 6
1.4.2研究内容 7
2.温室温度测控方案设计 7
2.1温室温度单片机测控装置的设计目标 7
2.2温室温度测控系统的组成与工作原理 7
2.3温度温室测控装置设计 8
2.4单片机(STC89C51) 9
2.4.1 STC89C51单片机简介 9
2.5温度传感器和测温电路 10
2.5.1温度传感器概述 10
2.5.2 DS18B20单总线数字式温度传感器概述 11
2.5.3 DS18B20的性能特点 11
2.5.4 DS18B20的引脚、内部结构和工作过程 12
2.5.5测控系统中的测温电路 14
2.6单片机最小系统原理图 14
2.7人机交互 15
2.7.1键盘输入电路 16
2.7.2显示电路 16
2.8控制输出电路 19
2.9串口通讯模块设计 20
2.10报警模块 22
3.温度测控的实现 23
3.1测控系统的程序设计 23
3.1.1系统的主程序设计 23
3.1.2数据采集模块子程序设计 24
3.1.3显示模块的子程序设计 25
3.1.4按键输入模块子程序设计 26
3.2系统测试 28
4.结论 31
参考文献 32
致 谢 34
附 录 35