唐代边塞诗的艺术特征,摘要:“唐人好诗,多是征戍,迁谪,行旅,离别之作,往往能感到激动人意” [1]①如果说唐诗是中国诗文化的精粹,那唐朝边塞诗就是精粹中的奇葩,引人瞩目。这篇文章从唐代边塞诗发展过程的研究入手,以唐代边塞诗艺术特色为研究对象,就初唐的郁勃,盛唐的豪雄,晚唐的萧飒进行探讨,凸显了唐代边塞诗真实多样,思乡爱...

原文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布唐代边塞诗的艺术特征
摘要:“唐人好诗,多是征戍,迁谪,行旅,离别之作,往往能感到激动人意” [1]①如果说唐诗是中国诗文化的精粹,那唐朝边塞诗就是精粹中的奇葩,引人瞩目。这篇文章从唐代边塞诗发展过程的研究入手,以唐代边塞诗艺术特色为研究对象,就初唐的郁勃,盛唐的豪雄,晚唐的萧飒进行探讨,凸显了唐代边塞诗真实多样,思乡爱国的艺术特色。
关键词:边塞诗 风格演变 爱国 真实 多样
The Artistic Features of Poems of Tang Dynasty
Abstract " Tang poem, is warfare, exile, travel, absence, often can feel excited people " [1] if the Tang poetry is the essence of Chinese culture, the Tang Dynasty frontier poems is the flower essences, eye-catching. This research according to the development of Tang poetry of frontier fortress poems of the Tang Dynasty, the artistic characteristics as the research object, then the Yu Bo, Tang Hao Xiong, Tang's bleak are discussed, highlighting the frontier fortress poems in Tang Dynasty, diversity, artistic features magnificent.
Keywords: The frontier fortress poem Style evolution Patriotic True Diversity