xx丝绸有限公司国际化经营策略分析,摘 要丝绸是我国悠久历史、灿烂文化和精湛艺术的象征。目前,我国生产的蚕茧和生丝产量约占世界总产量的70%,生丝和绸缎出口量分别占国际市场贸易量的80%和60%左右,我国是丝绸生产和出口大国,丝绸产品一直是我国重要的出口商品。加入wto后,随着经济全球化,丝绸企业面临着更加开放的国内市场...

原文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布xx丝绸有限公司国际化经营策略分析
摘 要
摘 要
The Silk is a symbol of China's long history, splendid culture and art. At present, China's production of cocoon and raw silk production accounted for about 70% of the world's total output, exports of raw silk and satin are accounted for the international market trading volume of 80% and 60%, China's silk production and export country, the silk products has become China's important export commodities.
After joining the WTO, along with the economic globalization, silk enterprises are facing more open the domestic market and the increasingly fierce international competition. Facing the intense changes, challenges, silk enterprises to obtain long-term survival and continued development, requires enterprises from their own factors, constantly improve the technological innovation ability of enterprises, the enterprise brand, so as to enhance the ability of enterprises to participate in international competition, improving economic efficiency and competitiveness.
In this paper, the internationalization of Suzhou Bao silk Co. Ltd as a starting point, to the internationalization of Suzhou springbus silk Co. Ltd are analyzed. This paper analyzes the silk business management as well as the Suzhou British Bao silk Co., industry status, and the use of SWOT analysis of Suzhou British Bao silk Co. Ltd are international business analysis. On this basis, the paper by the method of integrating theory with practice, analysis, extracted from the Suzhou British Bao silk Co. company internationalization management measures
Keywords: silk quilt; internationalization ;marketing strategy
目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract IV
目 录 VI
第一章 绪论 VIII
1.1选题的背景及意义 VIII
1.2论文的结构 VIII
第二章 蚕丝被行业现状 X
2.1蚕丝被产业发展现状 X
2.1.1江苏省蚕丝被生产企业数量 X
2.1.2江苏省蚕丝被生产企业销售规模 X
2.2蚕丝被企业加工工艺现状 XI
第三章 苏州英宝丝绸有限公司在市场中的发展 XII
3.1企业简介 XII
3.2企业的行业发展与现状 XII
第四章 苏州英宝丝绸有限公司国际化经营的SWOT分析 XIV
4.1 优势分析(S) XIV
4.1.1专业化生产优势 XIV
4.1.2劳动力资源优势 XIV
4.1.3技术创新的优势 XIV
4.1.4出口产品特色鲜明 XV
4.2 劣势分析(W) XV
4.2.1国际经验和科学营销理念欠缺 XV
4.2.2国际化经营复合型人才的缺乏 XV
4.2.3创新能力不强、产品质量档次不高 XVI
4.2.4现行蚕丝被生产的弊端 XVI
4.3 机遇分析(O) XVI
4.3.1良好的政策支持 XVI
4.3.2经济全球一体化的推动 XVI
4.3.3互联网信息,科技发展的推动 XVII
4.3.4绿色消费 XVII
4.4 挑战分析(T) XVII
4.4.1资金短缺、融资困难 XVII
4.4.2对外投资审批繁琐、配套服务体系不健全 XVII
4.4.3成本大幅上涨 XVIII
4.4.4 与其他纤维制品的激烈竞争 XVIII
第五章 苏州英宝丝绸有限公司开展国际化经营的措施 XX
5.1培养国际化经营管理特长的人才 XX
5.2建设电子商务和新媒体平台下的销售终端 XX
5.3提高技术创新能力,加强与高校合作 XX
5.4企业努力拓展国际市场 XXI
5.5结合企业文化,提升品牌价值 XXI
第六章 总结与展望 XXII
参考文献 XXIV