

我国现代企业员工培训的思考,全文9页8215字 叙述详尽【内容摘要】随着社会的飞速发展,在组织的人、财、物、信息四种资源中,人们越来越广泛地认识到人的重要性,以人为本的理念已渐渐深入人心。在知识经济的浪潮中,拥有一大批知识型员工的企业必定是市场竞争中的佼佼者。目前,由于信息社会的到来,知识、技能的飞速更新,人们已经认识到...
分类: 论文>社会学论文


此文档由会员 周伯通 发布

全文9页8215字 叙述详尽

人力资源管理 企业员工培训 培训方案

Soon develop along with the social vessel, in the buildup's Manpower, Financial ability , Resource, information four kind resources amid, people more and more and broadly realize principle that the body's materiality, with the artificial aetioporphyrin already and gradually deep into the public.In the proposition without fail that the knowledge-based economy's wave tide amid, own a large quantity knowledge type the employee is a market Leading .Now, subject to vessel that information social come, the knowledge, skill soon update, and people have already realized to train the anti is a kind prerogation or power, but is a the kind requirement, training job is also a double to suffer the respect, and regardless is theoretically or the practice is upper to all receive quick develop.It is human resources that modern proposition organizes an important subject within management sum that manage that issue and management, how science earth, reasonably organize the human resources to develop the key whereabouts to have become the proposition survey.

Human resources management The training of the proposition employee Training program
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⑩剑茹 著,《企业管理人员培训需求分析研究》,1997年硕士论文。