本科毕业设计多层办公楼设计,摘 要本次设计为多层办公楼设计,设计结合现代的生活观念,建立“整合设计”的感念,突出“以人为核心”的设计理论,本结构采用框架结构,平面灵活,使用性强,从结构上做到为人们创造方便舒适的办公空间。本次设计包括建筑设计和结构设计。该设计主要采用的是框架结构,结构型式采用现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,楼面采用现浇钢筋混凝土板。基础根...

此文档由会员 小深刻的旧书 发布
摘 要
结构设计方面,首先是根据建筑技术、使用条件、场地条件和抗震设计等要求,合理进行结构选型、结构布置和基础形式等,绘制结构布置图;然后进行结构计算,采用框架结构近似计算法,求竖向荷载作用下的内力用弯矩叠代法;求水平荷载作用下的内力时,有D值法等。求水平地震作用的时候采用底部剪力法。然后进行结合所学过的知识、通过查阅参考资料初步设计,再交指导老师审查,审查通过后,利用AutoCAD 或天正完成绘图,利用Excel、word等完成设计说明书及其他内容的编写。
The design for the multilayer office building design, combined with modern concept of life, to establish a "integrated design" concept, highlight the design theory of "human-centered", this structure adopts frame structure, planar flexible, strong usability, from the structure to create convenient and comfortable office space for people. The design includes architectural design and structural design.
This design mainly adopts frame structure, structural type using cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, floor using cast-in-place reinforced concrete slab. According to site condition choose shallow foundation.
Structure design, first of all is according to the construction technology, using conditions and site conditions and seismic design requirements, such as reasonable structure type selection, structure arrangement and foundation forms, etc., draw the structure arrangement; Then structure calculation, using the approximate calculation method of frame structure, internal force under the vertical load with bending moment iterative method; Find the internal force of horizontal loads, D value method, etc. O the bottom shear method is used to horizontal seismic action. Then combined with the learned knowledge, through the check resources for preliminary design, to guide teacher review again, after review by the use of AutoCAD or was complete drawing, use of Excel, word, etc to complete the design specification and other content to write.
Key words: frame structure; Office building; The load calculation
第一章 工程概况
1.1建设项目名称 1
1.2建设地点 1
1.3工程概况 1
第二章 结构选型
2.1结构承重方案选择 3
2.2主要构件选型 3
2.3梁、柱截面尺寸估算 3
2.4板厚确定 4
第三章 框架计算简图及梁柱线刚度
3.1确定框架计算简图 5
3.2相对线刚度计算 6
第四章 荷载计算
4.1恒载标准值计算 8
4.2风荷载计算 9
4.3风荷载作用下的位移验算 10
4.4水平地震作用计算 17
4.5多遇水平地震作用标准值以及位移验算 18
第五章 框架内力计算
5.1活荷载设计标准值计算 23
5.2竖向荷载下框架受荷总图及计算 23
第六章 框架内力组合
6.1框架结构梁内力组合 35
6.2框架结构柱内力组合 37
6.3抗震作用下承载力抗震调整 37
第七章 截面的设计与配筋计算
7.1设计依据 45
7.2框架柱截面设计与配筋 45
7.3框架梁截面设计与配筋 50
第八章 基础设计
8.1基础设计资料 52
8.2A轴柱柱下基础设计 52
第九章 楼面板、楼梯设计
9.1现浇楼板的配筋计算 56
9.2梁式楼梯设计 61
参考文献 65
结构设计方面,首先是根据建筑技术、使用条件、场地条件和抗震设计等要求,合理进行结构选型、结构布置和基础形式等,绘制结构布置图;然后进行结构计算,采用框架结构近似计算法,求竖向荷载作用下的内力用弯矩叠代法;求水平荷载作用下的内力时,有D值法等。求水平地震作用的时候采用底部剪力法。然后进行结合所学过的知识、通过查阅参考资料初步设计,再交指导老师审查,审查通过后,利用AutoCAD 或天正完成绘图,利用Excel、word等完成设计说明书及其他内容的编写。
The design for the multilayer office building design, combined with modern concept of life, to establish a "integrated design" concept, highlight the design theory of "human-centered", this structure adopts frame structure, planar flexible, strong usability, from the structure to create convenient and comfortable office space for people. The design includes architectural design and structural design.
This design mainly adopts frame structure, structural type using cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, floor using cast-in-place reinforced concrete slab. According to site condition choose shallow foundation.
Structure design, first of all is according to the construction technology, using conditions and site conditions and seismic design requirements, such as reasonable structure type selection, structure arrangement and foundation forms, etc., draw the structure arrangement; Then structure calculation, using the approximate calculation method of frame structure, internal force under the vertical load with bending moment iterative method; Find the internal force of horizontal loads, D value method, etc. O the bottom shear method is used to horizontal seismic action. Then combined with the learned knowledge, through the check resources for preliminary design, to guide teacher review again, after review by the use of AutoCAD or was complete drawing, use of Excel, word, etc to complete the design specification and other content to write.
Key words: frame structure; Office building; The load calculation
第一章 工程概况
1.1建设项目名称 1
1.2建设地点 1
1.3工程概况 1
第二章 结构选型
2.1结构承重方案选择 3
2.2主要构件选型 3
2.3梁、柱截面尺寸估算 3
2.4板厚确定 4
第三章 框架计算简图及梁柱线刚度
3.1确定框架计算简图 5
3.2相对线刚度计算 6
第四章 荷载计算
4.1恒载标准值计算 8
4.2风荷载计算 9
4.3风荷载作用下的位移验算 10
4.4水平地震作用计算 17
4.5多遇水平地震作用标准值以及位移验算 18
第五章 框架内力计算
5.1活荷载设计标准值计算 23
5.2竖向荷载下框架受荷总图及计算 23
第六章 框架内力组合
6.1框架结构梁内力组合 35
6.2框架结构柱内力组合 37
6.3抗震作用下承载力抗震调整 37
第七章 截面的设计与配筋计算
7.1设计依据 45
7.2框架柱截面设计与配筋 45
7.3框架梁截面设计与配筋 50
第八章 基础设计
8.1基础设计资料 52
8.2A轴柱柱下基础设计 52
第九章 楼面板、楼梯设计
9.1现浇楼板的配筋计算 56
9.2梁式楼梯设计 61
参考文献 65