

耐磨钢nm360a钨极氩弧焊接头组织结构性能分析,耐磨钢nm360a钨极氩弧焊接头组织结构性能分析目 录摘要iabstractii第1章 绪论11.1课题研究的目的和意义11.1.1课题研究内容11.1.2课题研究的意义11.2低合金高强度耐磨钢31.2.1耐磨钢的制备31.2.2低合金高强度耐磨钢的组织31.2.3低合金高强度耐磨钢的化学元素成分41.3对低合金耐磨...
分类: 论文>材料科学论文



原文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布


目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的目的和意义 1
1.1.1课题研究内容 1
1.1.2课题研究的意义 1
1.2低合金高强度耐磨钢 3
1.2.1耐磨钢的制备 3
1.2.2低合金高强度耐磨钢的组织 3
1.2.3低合金高强度耐磨钢的化学元素成分 4
1.3对低合金耐磨钢的研究 5
1.3.1对低合金耐磨钢的组织性能研究 5
1.3.2对低合金耐磨钢的焊接及接头性能的研究 7
1.4低合金高强度耐磨钢的发展 8
1.4.1国外低合金高强度耐磨钢的发展[10] 8
1.4.2国内低合金高强度耐磨钢的发展及和国外的差距[11] 9
1.5小结 10
第2章 耐磨钢NM360A实验操作过程 11
2.1耐磨钢NM360A焊接性分析及焊接工艺确定 11
2.1.1耐磨钢NM360基本性能 11
2.1.2焊接性分析 12
2.1.3焊接工艺参数选择[14~16] 14
2.2观察试样不同部位金相组织 19
2.3测量试样不同部位硬度 23
2.3.1维氏硬度测量概述 23
2.3.2使用显微维氏硬度试验测量试样硬度 25
2.4小结 26
第3章 实验分析 27
3.1金相组织观察结果及分析 27
3.1.1基体显微组织及分析 27
3.1.2热影响区显微组织及分析 28
3.1.3焊缝区显微组织及分析 29
3.1.4不同区域交界处显微组织 29
3.2硬度试验结果及分析 31
3.3小结 32
第四章 总结 33
参考文献 34
致  谢 36
附录Ⅰ 中文翻译 37
附录Ⅱ 英文原文 47
附录Ⅲ 任务书 58
附录Ⅳ 开题报告 62



Low alloy high strength wear resistant steel not only have the characteristics of high strength, high hardness, toughness and good wear resistance at the same time, widely used in the large machinery and equipment, so the welding fittings and organization performance has important significance.
The material chosen for this paper is NM360A whose heat treatment state is quenching + tempering at low temperature,it has excellent wear resistant performance. Tungsten electrode argon arc welding welding methods were used to get the joint specimens. To research the joint specimens,I use the structure analysis and mechanical property test method.Then I get the joint microstructure images and micro vickers hardened distribution, the next I analysed the reason of tissue generated and the impact on the hardness distribution.
The result showed that the Organization of material is tempering martensite microstructure. The distribution of the carbide particles or bainite particles is on the martensitic matrix. In different areas of heat affected zone generated gross martensite and ferrite grains organization, fine martensite and other groups. In the weld zone, organizations including the proeutectoid  ferrite and black granular pearlite.
Hardness test showed that the vickers hardness value size relationships: weld heat-affected zone>mother material>welding line, the hardness distribution curve presents the typical "saddle", in the heat affected zone and base near position showed a marked decline of hardness,it Appeared softening of heat affected zone.

Keywords: High strength low alloy wear-resistant steel,weldability,metallographic structure,hardness,tempered martensite