超深基坑垂直喷锚支护施工技术研究,目 录摘 要1关键词1abstract1key words1引言11.基坑支护21.1基坑支护结构的分类21.2基坑支护的种类22.锚杆的构造及分类42.1锚杆的构造42.2锚杆的分类43.锚杆的设计43.1锚杆的布置设计43.2锚杆的整体稳定性54.喷锚支护54.1喷锚支护的含义54....

原文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布超深基坑垂直喷锚支护施工技术研究
目 录
目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Key Words 1
引言 1
1.基坑支护 2
1.1基坑支护结构的分类 2
1.2基坑支护的种类 2
2.锚杆的构造及分类 4
2.1锚杆的构造 4
2.2锚杆的分类 4
3.锚杆的设计 4
3.1锚杆的布置设计 4
3.2锚杆的整体稳定性 5
4.喷锚支护 5
4.1喷锚支护的含义 5
4.2喷锚支护的发展历程 5
4.3喷锚支护的特点和适用范围 6
4.4喷锚支护的施工工艺 7
4.5喷锚支护施工方法 7
5.垂直喷锚支护施工案例 8
5.1 工程概况及工程地质条件 8
5.2支护方案的选择 9
5.3施工要点 11
5.4 支护工程造价比较 12
6.喷锚支护监理控制概要 12
6.1 监理依据 12
6.2 监理控制要点 12
6.3确保基坑支护的施工质量 13
6.4注意地下水或水患的影响 14
6.5推行信息化施工 14
6.6加强对基坑的管理 15
参考文献 16
摘 要:伴随着我国国民经济日益蓬勃发展,建筑向着大型化、高层化快速发展,大量大型建筑、高层建筑拔地而起,日益增多。众所周知,任何建筑都必须有一个好的基础,对大型高层、超高层建筑来讲,这点尤为重要。于是深基坑的施工安全技术的重要性日益凸显。本文主要阐述基坑支护、锚杆、喷锚支护的情况。最后结合在施工场地狭窄、周围紧邻已有建筑物的深基坑,论述采用垂直喷锚支护技术的施工方法、施工要点以及这种施工方法的可行性和经济性。同时讲述在基坑喷锚支护时的监理情况而更好地保证工程质量。
关键词:基坑支护;锚杆;喷锚支护;高层建筑 ;场地狭窄
Abstract:With the national economy vigorous developing in China,Building rapidly developing toward large-scale and top.Not only large construction but also high-rise buildings are increasing.As is known to all,any building must have a good base especially for large high-rise and tall building.So construction safe of the deep foundation pit technology growing highlights importance .This article mainly elaborates the foundation pit supporting,anchor rod,hotcrete and rock bolt support.Finally the article will discuss the vertical illustr technology used in the construction site existing buildings deep foundation and around the narrow space,From the example not only can we discover convenient and economy of this construction method,but also we can understand the main point of this construction method.At the same time I will tell supervision of the illustr situation to ensure the quality of the project.
Key Words:Foundation pit supporting,Anchor rod,shotcrete and rock bolt support anchor ,High-rise buildings,arrow space