

筏形基础的质量控制,摘 要质量是人类文明程度的标志,建筑工程质量关系人民生命财产安全,关系国家和民族的形象,工程质量责任重于泰山。随着社会主义市场经济的建立,除了经济上的因素外,更重要的是质量和信誉的竟争,质量问题勿须置疑成了头等大事。万丈高楼从地起更加强调了地基基础的重要性,地基基础的质量更关乎建筑物整体结构的质量。本文重点研究建筑地基...
分类: 论文>土木工程/建筑论文


此文档由会员 piaoyi989102 发布

摘  要

Quality is the mark of human civilization.So the construction engineering qualityrelates to people's life and property,and image of the nation.The duty of engineeringquality is heavier than the weight of Mountain Tai. With the market economy of the socialism cstab lishing. WTO, since our countryfastens steps of fondational Tacilitices,the inside need will increase,national economy develop healthily and the domestic and international market will further extend. With the foreign building (group)company flowing into the domestic market in 2003,this will produce mighty impact on the local building business enterprises.Through several decades'development, the domestic building (group) business enterprise has some competition, but if they want to connect with the international, match with international building group mutually. The most important thing are the competition of the quality and prestige. This paper's point is researching the quantity control of building enterprise on construction stage. Quality control of stage is key link of construction item of the whole process.The construction quality is decided by construction stage control. Through the research of the stage in construction item quantity control, analyzing the factor that affect the engineering to the quality, investigate the system process of the quality control, according to the procedure, control contents, method and means etc., use of the statistic method to analyxe and control the development, protecting the work quality through the person's work quality, enhancing engineering quality. The key point is to set up the system of quality guarantee on the construction spot and management of construction (business enterprise).

Key word: quality control,Construction stage, engineering item

目   录
摘  要 2
Abstract 3
1 绪论 5
1.1研究的目的和意义 5
1.2论文研究的主要内容 6
2 筏板基础材料质量控制 7
2.1施工质量控制的原则 7
2.2筏板基础材料的质量控制和检验方法 8
3 筏基质量存在的问题 11
3.1筏基施工中出现的问题 11
3.2筏基使用后出现的问题 13
4 筏基施工阶段质量问题的分析及解决方法 13
4.1施工项目质量控制的系统过程 13
4.2施工前准备阶段的质量控制(事前控制) 15
4.2.1施工准备的范围 15
4.2.2施工准备的内容 17
4.3施工过程中的质量控制(事中控制) 19
4.3.1施工阶段质量控制的依据 19
4.3.2施工工序的质量控制 19
4.3.3质量控制点的设置及工程质量的预控 23
4.3.4施工过程中成品保护 25
4.3.5 出现的问题及解决方法 26
4.4施工过程形成的产品的质量控制(事后控制) 28
4.4.1分部分项工程的质量验收 28
4.4.2组织单位工程或整个工程项目的竣工验收 28
5工程实例 30
6 结论与展望 32
6.1主要结论 32
6.2展望 32
致     谢 34