

武汉理工大学硕士学位论文_高效船舶货运组织方案,摘 要乌江是贵州省内第一大河,乌江多梯级枢纽的兴建将极大改善乌江的航运条件,为乌江区域经济和航运事业带来了新的契机,乌江干流梯级水利枢纽将配套建设通航设施,但通航设施存在着通航设施建设进度不一致、承船箱尺寸不一致、通过时间不一致、通航流量不一致等问题,直接形成“短板”效应,随着沿江经济发展,日益增长的运输需求与枢纽通航...
分类: 论文>交通/水利论文


此文档由会员 wumeil 发布

摘 要
关键字:乌江 多梯级枢纽 网络优化改进模型 arena仿真建模 高效船舶货运组织方案

Wujiang River is the largest river in Guizhou province, but the Wu River shipping channel condition have not been able to meet the needs of development of shipping. the construction of cascade hydro-projects will greatly improve the shipping condition of Wujiang River and bring opportunity for the developing of regional economy and the shipping industry, the multi-hub cascade of Wujiang will be supporting the shipping facilities, but there are several problem about shipping facilities: each shipping facilities has inconsistent construction progress, different size of ship lift, different time to have ship passed, different navigation flow problem and other issues, leading to a "short board" effect, by the development of economic along the Wujiang River, the conflict will be created by the different growing demand of transportation and passing capacity of navigation hub, bring a great difficulty for the organization of shipping in restriction of Wujiang multi-cascade hydro-projects. To plan ahead to maximize the efficiency of high-grade channel and navigation facilities in Wujiang ,giving full play to the advantages of the Wujiang River golden waterway, rational using of transport network resources, a efficient multi-cargo organization program should be made so that the whole channel Wujiang cascade hydro-projects district will be eased off.
Currently, the qualitative analysis play a main role in the research of shipping organization in the hub region, quantitative analysis is not much and can’t analysis the whole system in a overall view, what’s more, the shipping organization like Wujiang River multi-cascade hydro-projects issue has not yet been addressed. Network optimization model often be taken used of in solving the complex organization freight transport networks, but the limitations goal of network optimization model can not make a comprehensive assessment optimization results. Computer simulation technology have gradually entered the field of transportation planning, but simulation technology mainly work out as a tool of validation and eva luation, taking use the simulation technology to optimize will be effected by subjective factor and difficult to find the optimal solution.
Based on the above reasons, the following aspects will be taken in the research work. First, qualitative analysis the influence of construction of a multi-cascade hydro-projects on shipping organization, then based on the characteristics of Wujiang multi-cascade hydro-projects, improving the exist network optimization model to make out a lowest generalized cost model of shipping organization in Wujiang multi-cascade hydro-projects region, solving the model to get the initial optimization shipping organization program. on the other hand, introduction the idea of queuing theory to analysis the multi-cascade hydro-projects. Then, on the based of analysis of the discrete freight system of Wujiang multi-cascade region, building the simulation model in a ideological of object-oriented to simulate and test the initial program to find out the possible problem with the initial program. Finally, taking use of computer simulation technology and mathematical programming method in general to optimize the initial program of Wujiang multi-cascade hydro-projects shipping organization, getting a reasonable program which can take use of Wujiang multi-cascade hydro-projects shipping syste..