
此文档由会员 wumeil 发布
摘 要:近年来,产业集群作为一种重要的经济组织形式,显示了其强大的生命力和经济活力,比如意大利北部中小企业群、著名的美国硅谷高新技术产业集群以及我国广东珠三角出口加工型企业集群、浙江家庭作坊式企业集群以及江苏的外贸导向型企业集群对推进地方经济的发展起到了重要作用。产业集聚是指集中于一定区域内特定产业的众多具有分工合作关系的不同规模等级的企业和与其发展有关的各种机构、组织等行为主体,通过纵横交错的网络关系紧密联系在一起的空间集聚体,作为一种为创造竞争力优势而形成的产业空间组织形式,具有群体竞争优势和集聚发展的规模效益。文章结合四川产业集聚的现实情况,分析川内各个产业集聚在国内占比和发展前景的一个情况,对其测度指标体系的指标进行研究。
Study on Regional Industrial Cluster—Take Sichuan as Example
Undergraduate: Zhang Yang
Supervisor: Sun Jiqiong
Abstract:In recent years, as an important economic organization form, industrial cluster has showed its strong vital force and economic vitality. For instance, the northern Italian small and medium-sized machinery-electronics enterprise cluster, the famous American high-tech Silicon Valley industry cluster, as well as the export-oriented processing enterprise cluster in Pearl River Delta and the family mill cluster in Zhejiang and the customer-guided foreign trade enterprise cluster in Jiangsu played an important role in promoting the development of local economy. Industrial cluster is referring to the enterprise that centralizes in certain areas’ particular industry that has cooperation relationships with many different divisions and has different scale levels, as well as the various institutions, organizations, etc which are connected with its development; as an spatial organization form with the purpose of creating competitive edge, the industrial cluster is a space agglomeration body which is closely-knitted through crisscross network relationship and has group competitive advantage and scale merit of concentration. Combining with the reality of the industrial cluster in Sichuan province, this paper analyzes the percentage and the situation of developing prospects of various industrial clusters in Sichuan province and studies the index of its measure index system.
Key word: Sichuan; industrial cluster; measure index
导论 1
(一)、研究背景 1
(二)、文献综述 2
1.产业集群的综合研究 2
2.西方产业集群理论研究大致经历了三次高潮 3
3. 企业间的协同管理研究 5
(三)、研究的目的和意义 5
二、四川产业集聚水平的度测 6
(一)、指标选择与度测方法 6
(二)、四川产业集聚度测 7
三、四川产业集聚面临的主要问题 9
1.集群内产业集聚水平较低 9
2.区域布局严重不平衡 9
3.产业结构落后,重型化工特征明显 9
4.产品科技含量低,缺少知名品牌 10
四、促进四川产业集聚的主要政策措施 10
1.改善四川的硬环境和软环境,为产业集聚提供良好的基础 10
2.加强社会网络和中间组织建设 11
3.推动工业园区向集群化方向发展 11
4.政府要尊重市场规律,引导产业集聚的形式和发展 11
5.在继续加快四川工业化进程的同时,促进第三产业集聚的发展 11
6.积极鼓励中小企业的集群式创新 12
五、结论 12
六、研究展望 12
参考文献 14
致 谢 15
摘 要:近年来,产业集群作为一种重要的经济组织形式,显示了其强大的生命力和经济活力,比如意大利北部中小企业群、著名的美国硅谷高新技术产业集群以及我国广东珠三角出口加工型企业集群、浙江家庭作坊式企业集群以及江苏的外贸导向型企业集群对推进地方经济的发展起到了重要作用。产业集聚是指集中于一定区域内特定产业的众多具有分工合作关系的不同规模等级的企业和与其发展有关的各种机构、组织等行为主体,通过纵横交错的网络关系紧密联系在一起的空间集聚体,作为一种为创造竞争力优势而形成的产业空间组织形式,具有群体竞争优势和集聚发展的规模效益。文章结合四川产业集聚的现实情况,分析川内各个产业集聚在国内占比和发展前景的一个情况,对其测度指标体系的指标进行研究。
Study on Regional Industrial Cluster—Take Sichuan as Example
Undergraduate: Zhang Yang
Supervisor: Sun Jiqiong
Abstract:In recent years, as an important economic organization form, industrial cluster has showed its strong vital force and economic vitality. For instance, the northern Italian small and medium-sized machinery-electronics enterprise cluster, the famous American high-tech Silicon Valley industry cluster, as well as the export-oriented processing enterprise cluster in Pearl River Delta and the family mill cluster in Zhejiang and the customer-guided foreign trade enterprise cluster in Jiangsu played an important role in promoting the development of local economy. Industrial cluster is referring to the enterprise that centralizes in certain areas’ particular industry that has cooperation relationships with many different divisions and has different scale levels, as well as the various institutions, organizations, etc which are connected with its development; as an spatial organization form with the purpose of creating competitive edge, the industrial cluster is a space agglomeration body which is closely-knitted through crisscross network relationship and has group competitive advantage and scale merit of concentration. Combining with the reality of the industrial cluster in Sichuan province, this paper analyzes the percentage and the situation of developing prospects of various industrial clusters in Sichuan province and studies the index of its measure index system.
Key word: Sichuan; industrial cluster; measure index
导论 1
(一)、研究背景 1
(二)、文献综述 2
1.产业集群的综合研究 2
2.西方产业集群理论研究大致经历了三次高潮 3
3. 企业间的协同管理研究 5
(三)、研究的目的和意义 5
二、四川产业集聚水平的度测 6
(一)、指标选择与度测方法 6
(二)、四川产业集聚度测 7
三、四川产业集聚面临的主要问题 9
1.集群内产业集聚水平较低 9
2.区域布局严重不平衡 9
3.产业结构落后,重型化工特征明显 9
4.产品科技含量低,缺少知名品牌 10
四、促进四川产业集聚的主要政策措施 10
1.改善四川的硬环境和软环境,为产业集聚提供良好的基础 10
2.加强社会网络和中间组织建设 11
3.推动工业园区向集群化方向发展 11
4.政府要尊重市场规律,引导产业集聚的形式和发展 11
5.在继续加快四川工业化进程的同时,促进第三产业集聚的发展 11
6.积极鼓励中小企业的集群式创新 12
五、结论 12
六、研究展望 12
参考文献 14
致 谢 15