

酒店室内装饰改造设计,大酒店一层室内装饰改造设计摘 要现代城市中的酒店融社会交际、文化交流、信息传递等功能一体化,服务面向多元化,如酒店内设有健身美容等服务;拥有商务服务中心、购物中心、商店及展厅、剧场、会务中心、大型宴会厅等空间,空间功能越来越完善。在现代室内设计高速发展的今天,设计思想处在最活跃的一个时期,信息流通和文化交流的开放性促成...
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此文档由会员 v9999 发布


摘  要


Bin Zhou Yin Mao hotel a layer interior design transformation
The modern city of hotel harmony social communication, cultural exchange, information to deliver such as integration function, service oriented diversified, such as hotel equipped with fitness hairdressing services; Rental offices and business service center, shopping center, stores and exhibition hall, theater, committee-affair centers, large banquet, etc. The hotel has become part of the cities, the hotel's design is also part of the urban design, representing the city development level. In the modern interior design development today design thought in a period, the most active information circulation and cultural exchanges between the open contributed to design style facing diversified development. Modern design principle is for green square design direction. Let the hotel the use of space is fluent and the use of space home efficiency is greatly improved. Reconstruction of Yin Mao hotel indoor lamplight, materials applied illustrated. At the end of whole space is summarized, and to the hotel the indoor transformation design perfect, to achieve the desired objectives.

Key words: interior design modification; Green design; Development tendency

目 录
引言 1
第一章 选题的来源 1
第二章 酒店室内装饰设计的发展和现状 1
2.1我国酒店室内设计的发展和国内外酒店室内设计现状 1
2.2银茂大酒店的现状 2
第三章 银茂大酒店室内装饰设计详解 2
3.1酒店大堂设计 3
3.1.1酒店大堂的布局 3
3.1.2灯光在酒店大堂中的应用 3
3.1.3酒店大堂装饰材料的应用 3
3.2零点餐厅设计 4
3.2.1零点餐厅的含义 5
3.2.2零点餐厅的布局设计 5
3.2.3零点餐厅的灯光设计应用 5
3.2.4零点餐厅的装饰材料及装饰色彩设计 6
3.3咖啡厅设计 6
3.3.1咖啡厅的整体装饰格局和色调 6
3.3.2咖啡厅的灯光设计应用 7
第四章酒店室内装饰设计的发展前景和展望 8
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10