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此文档由会员 蔡依林 发布

全文共2.3万字 26页
摘 要

关键词:IPO 行为金融学 IPO热发行市场 过度自信 羊群行为

China's securities market of hot IPO issue
From a Financial Point of View of Conduct in 07 of China's IPO Is Hot Issue

Fine Analysis of the 07 major bull market, not just the high stock prices, many stocks also reached a historical high. Because of the popular market, many companies have adopted to get a listing of the United States share, therefore, hope that listed companies have adopted a more preferential measures to attract investors to the market for "low price" of the initial public offering of stock To achieve the purpose of financing. And today China's securities market, the system, investors and the market impact of a number of factors, China's securities market has a special form, the surface is now more rational and non-investors of irrational acts. Therefore, China's securities market on the stock issue and investors are closely related to whether or not pursued, is also a future price movements of important reference. In this paper, China's listed companies in recent years from an initial public offering of shares and investors of the relationship between the analysis.

Key words: IPO Behavioral finance IPO heat distribution market Excessive self-confidence Herding Behavior

目 录

1 IPO的涵义与进行IPO的优势
1.1 IPO的涵义
1.2 进行IPO的优势特征
2 行为金融学的定义、发展和在我国证券股票市场中的作用
2.1 行为金融学的定义和发展
2.2 行为金融学在我国证券股票市场中的作用
3 07年我国证券股票市场中对于新上市股票的表现与分析
3.1 07年我国年度内新上市股票的表现
3.2 针对07年年内我国上市新股进行分析和总结
4 IPO热发行市场在行为金融学下的分析与解释
4.1 牛市格局促成热发行市场的形成
4.2 投资者以及投资机构的过度自信,是热发行形成的重要因素
4.3 羊群行为
4.3.1 羊群行为的含义
4.3.2 羊群行为对我国IPO热发行的表现及影响
5 启示与结论

参 考 文 献

【1】 白文梅。2006。从行为金融角度浅析IPO折价交易现象。黑龙江对外经贸,2006年第七期(总第145期):48-49
【2】 魏玉晶。2007。行为金融理论及其走势。农业科技与信息,2007年第三期:52-53
【3】 王稳。2004。Behavioral Finance 行为金融学。北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2004。序一 2 。
【4】 易宪容 赵春明。2004。行为金融学。北京:社会科学文献出版社,2004。259。
【5】 来自《行为金融学的兴起》(陆家骝。2004。广东人民出版社)和《行为金融学》(王稳。2004。北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社。)中对过度自信行为分析的概括总结。