

分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 魏学伟 发布



关键词:财务报表 非经常性损益 财务能力 问题 管理建议
With the development of market economy continuously, the enterprise managers to the standardization of the management, financial statements to make statements users understand the operating status of enterprises, and then to the managers in a comprehensive, effective provides important basis for the decision-making information, so the status of financial statements in the enterprise is more and more important. Managers need timely find the problems existing in the enterprise operation, must be analyzed according to the data provided by the financial statements and make the right judgment. Need to use different methods of analysis in the process of analysis, to find the problems existing in enterprises and improved. Paper in Beijing work clothing import and export co., LTD. In Beijing as an example, analyze the data of the company's financial statements (focus on the analysis of the income statement), make statements to understand the status of the company's operating, operation ability, profit ability, debt paying ability and other comprehensive financial information, and provide relevant management advice.
Key words: financial statements ;non-recurring profit and loss ;financial capacity ;problems ;management advice。

摘   要 1
Abstract 1
第一章  财务报表分析概述 3
1.1财务报表的定义 3
1.2财务报表的分析方法 3
1.3财务报表分析的意义 3
第二章   北京市京工服装进出口有限公司财务报表分析 4
2.1企业基本情况介绍 4
2.2企业财务能力分析 4
2.2.1偿债能力分析 4
2.2.2营运能力分析 8
2.2.3盈利能力分析 9
2.2.4发展能力分析 11
第三章  北京市京工服装进出口有限公司财务分析 12
3.1比较财务报表 12
第四章  北京市京工服装进出口有限公司问题及管理建议 13
结   束   语 14
参   考   文   献 14