事故调查分析方法与分析技术文献综述,7300字摘要:根据事故的原因结果模型、过程模型、能量模型、逻辑树模型、s he管理模型将事故调查分析技术方法归纳为 5大类,介绍了广泛使用的事故调查分析技术方法的特点,并按一定的标准进行分析和比较。分析表明: 每种方法都有其不同的应用领域和优缺点,应针对不同领域问题选用合适的分析方法...

此文档由会员 即刻启程 发布
摘要:根据事故的原因结果模型、过程模型、能量模型、逻辑树模型、S HE管理模型将事故调查分析技术方法归纳为 5大类,介绍了广泛使用的事故调查分析技术方法的特点,并按一定的标准进行分析和比较。分析表明: 每种方法都有其不同的应用领域和优缺点,应针对不同领域问题选用合适的分析方法, 多种调查技术组合分析适用于复杂事故的调查;考虑事件次序及其影响因素的调查方法, 便于提出预防事故再次发生和减少风险的建议, 图表阐述有利于鉴别信息缺陷, 并使调查组之间的沟通有力;笔者在调查过程中注重于非正常分析方法得出的结果, 宜采用更为先进的事故分析技术方法以保证事故调查的客观性。
关键词:事故调查; 方法; 事故模型; 分析技术; 述评
Review on Accident Investigation and Analysis Methods
Abstract : The main commonly recognized methods were generalized into five major categories based onthe accident models , including Causal sequence Model Process Model Energy Model Logical Tree Model as well as SHE - management Model At the same time , a brief description of some commonly used methods was provided , as well as a comparative analysis on the m according to important characteristics . It can be concluded as follow: each of these methods has different are as of application and different qualities and deficiencies , so a generally adopted method should be suitable to the specific modes and characteristic feature so far certain accident and a combination of methods ought to be used in a comprehensive investigation of a complex accident Methods considering the event sequences and accident factors can help reducer is kandprevent future accidents . Graphical illustrations can help not only identify information gapsbutal so facilitate communication among investigator s ; Investigators focus on the government and the regulator sin the accident invest igation to a great extend need to base their analysis on experience and practical judgment more than on results from formal analytical methods , there maybe need for advanced analytic techniques to support the objectivity tasks of accident investigation .
Keywords : accident investigation ; methods ; accident models ; analytic techniques ; review
摘要:根据事故的原因结果模型、过程模型、能量模型、逻辑树模型、S HE管理模型将事故调查分析技术方法归纳为 5大类,介绍了广泛使用的事故调查分析技术方法的特点,并按一定的标准进行分析和比较。分析表明: 每种方法都有其不同的应用领域和优缺点,应针对不同领域问题选用合适的分析方法, 多种调查技术组合分析适用于复杂事故的调查;考虑事件次序及其影响因素的调查方法, 便于提出预防事故再次发生和减少风险的建议, 图表阐述有利于鉴别信息缺陷, 并使调查组之间的沟通有力;笔者在调查过程中注重于非正常分析方法得出的结果, 宜采用更为先进的事故分析技术方法以保证事故调查的客观性。
关键词:事故调查; 方法; 事故模型; 分析技术; 述评
Review on Accident Investigation and Analysis Methods
Abstract : The main commonly recognized methods were generalized into five major categories based onthe accident models , including Causal sequence Model Process Model Energy Model Logical Tree Model as well as SHE - management Model At the same time , a brief description of some commonly used methods was provided , as well as a comparative analysis on the m according to important characteristics . It can be concluded as follow: each of these methods has different are as of application and different qualities and deficiencies , so a generally adopted method should be suitable to the specific modes and characteristic feature so far certain accident and a combination of methods ought to be used in a comprehensive investigation of a complex accident Methods considering the event sequences and accident factors can help reducer is kandprevent future accidents . Graphical illustrations can help not only identify information gapsbutal so facilitate communication among investigator s ; Investigators focus on the government and the regulator sin the accident invest igation to a great extend need to base their analysis on experience and practical judgment more than on results from formal analytical methods , there maybe need for advanced analytic techniques to support the objectivity tasks of accident investigation .
Keywords : accident investigation ; methods ; accident models ; analytic techniques ; review