

英汉情感隐喻比较研究,摘 要隐喻研究源远流长,传统上的隐喻研究,只是把隐喻看做一种修辞方式,但是,现在的隐喻研究已经突破了修辞研究的层面,进入到认知层面,将隐喻也看做是一个认知和概念化的工具。隐喻在认知功能的发挥上起着重要的作用。概念隐喻,作为认知语言学的一个重要概念,是指作用于人的思维深层次的隐喻模式,其根植于人类的身...
分类: 论文>英语论文


此文档由会员 weizishu8 发布


摘    要


关键词:隐喻  概念隐喻  身体体验  情感

A Comparative Study of Emotion Metaphors between English and Chinese


Metaphor is traditionally viewed as a particular rhetoric device, however, people nowadays 
not only study it as a rhetoric means but also as a perceptual and conceptualizing tool. It plays important cognitive functions. Conceptual metaphor refers to something internal, operating deep in human thought. Each conceptual metaphor heads and governs a system of linguistic metaphors. Conceptual metaphors can be classified into three main types, namely, structural metaphors, orientational metaphors and ontological metaphors. Emotions, as one of the most important aspect of human experience, have been among the focus of cognitive linguistics. Emotions are conceptualized and expressed in metaphorical terms. The research discovers that Chinese and English share many main conceptual metaphors. Meanwhile there still are great differences due to the different culture modes and living environments, etc. This paper mainly reinforces and develops some theories of the contemporary cognitive approach to metaphor: Abstract concepts are largely formed and comprehended via metaphor; and conceptual metaphor, at least emotion metaphor, is characterized by cognitive universality and cultural relativity. In addition, this research will, to a certain extent, be helpful in cross-culture communication and idiomatic translation.

Keywords: metaphor  conceptual metaphor  bodily experience  emotions


1 Introduction 1
2 Cognitive Linguistic Approach to Metaphor 2
2.1 The definition of metaphor 2
2.2 The classification of metaphors 3
2.2.1 Structural metaphor 3
2.2.2 Orientational metaphor 3
2.2.3 Ontological metaphors 4
3 A comparative study of English and Chinese emotion metaphors 5
3.1 The similarities and differences of Happiness metaphors Between English and Chinese 5
3.1.1The major similarities of Happiness Metaphors 5
3.1.2 The major differences of Happiness Metaphor between English and Chinese 7
3.2 The similarities and differences Between English and Chinese 9
3.2.1 The major similarities of Anger Metaphors 9
3.2.2 The major differences of Anger Metaphors between English and Chinese 10
3.3 The major similarities of Sadness Metaphors between English and Chinese 11
3.3.1 The major similarities of Sadness Metaphors 11
3.3.2The major differences of Sadness Metaphor between English and Chinese 13
3.4 The similarities and differences of Fear Metaphors between English and Chinese 14
3.4.1 The major similarities of Fear Metaphors 14
3.4.2 The major differences of fear metaphor between English and Chinese 15
4 Conclusions 16
Bibliography 18
Acknowledgements 19